Build Seafile RPI 7.1.x with Seahub starting problems

Wow that’s lots of information! Thank you very much and helped me a lot understanding what’s going on.
First I tried compiling with 7.1.5 tag and your seahub requirements, but that didn’t eliminate the Django error.

The compiling worked then with these constants in and seahub is starting somehow (with timeout). Edit: forgot to set back to daemon = True in


VERSION_TAG=master Edit: 7.1.5 is sufficient.

PYTHON_REQUIREMENTS_URL_SEAFDAV=seafdav/requirements_SeafDAV-7.1.5.txt at master · jobenvil/seafdav · GitHub
Edit: used not the raw file :see_no_evil:

But then I wanted to try a new setup, before migrating and the old image. But then seafile/bin/seaf-server-init was missing from package. I think you experienced a similar issue here:

How did you solve it? Greets ;D

Edit: seafile/pids/ is also missing :confused: