Can't sync with windows client works with iOS and the webb

I can’t sync with the windows client, but I can sync with iOS device and also upload/download trough the webbsite.
It seem that the windows client have some kind of issue with the SSL cert, but why? iOS don’t have any kind of issue with it.
It also works if I don’t use SSL in the Windows Client, so it seem that it’s the SSL that are the issue but I can’t understand why as it works with everything else (android, webb and iOS app)

Logfile Applet:

[06/10/17 07:33:39]starting ccnet:  ("-c", "C:/Users/Robin/ccnet")
[06/10/17 07:33:40]trying to connect to ccnet daemon...
[06/10/17 07:33:40]connected to ccnet daemon
[06/10/17 07:33:40]starting seaf-daemon:  ("-c", "C:/Users/Robin/ccnet", "-d", "C:/Users/Robin/Seafile/seafile-data", "-w", "C:/Users/Robin/Seafile")
[06/10/17 07:33:41][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[06/10/17 07:33:41][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[06/10/17 07:33:41][MessageListener] connected to daemon
[06/10/17 07:33:42]Unable to get config value download_limit: Config not exists
[06/10/17 07:33:42]Unable to get config value upload_limit: Config not exists
[06/10/17 07:33:42]Starting the network status detector
[06/10/17 07:33:42][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[06/10/17 07:34:05]
= SslError =
 "The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate"
[06/10/17 07:34:05]"\nAuthentication:  RSA\nEncryption:      AESGCM(256)\nKey Exchange:    ECDH\nCipher Name:     ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384\nProtocol:        TLSv1.2\nSupported Bits:  A\nUsed Bits:       A\n"
[06/10/17 07:34:05]"\nCertificate:\n    Data:\n        Version: 3 (0x2)\n        Serial Number:\n            61:3d:9b:4a:cf:96:c0:b5:49:f7:95:07:78:da:5a:a8\n    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption\n        Issuer: CN=MainServer\n        Validity\n            Not Before: Jun  9 17:46:29 2017 GMT\n            Not After : Jun  9 00:00:00 2018 GMT\n        Subject: CN=MainServer\n        Subject Public Key Info:\n            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption\n                Public-Key: (2048 bit)\n                Modulus:\n                    00:d4:c3:9b:5a:fb:98:3a:ca:fd:3e:1a:bf:0e:14:\n                    82:aa:8b:2d:fb:ab:2b:9f:55:6a:fd:e1:aa:6a:01:\n                    a5:95:91:2b:45:f5:5e:98:9c:0d:f8:d5:68:93:d7:\n                    63:c3:07:70:bb:3b:e6:65:26:c7:17:f5:23:5b:cd:\n                    9c:db:f7:37:4a:7e:e4:35:81:e8:c8:af:41:1c:9b:\n                    29:ad:0b:8c:f4:2f:0e:8c:32:c8:c6:09:49:26:ec:\n                    52:8f:00:1b:b2:f2:c8:51:64:1e:87:32:f6:73:ce:\n                    f6:de:f4:db:9b:42:96:28:69:ba:8e:fa:cf:a0:7a:\n                    94:b3:bc:0f:55:77:c5:d6:b1:a8:62:2d:50:91:d4:\n                    37:61:5f:0f:f9:73:c5:5d:d9:5f:57:cc:ef:80:b9:\n                    4c:bf:93:90:84:6f:68:4a:56:4b:a2:0a:86:6c:e8:\n                    d7:bf:a3:9d:85:da:11:e7:58:ae:a2:1e:7b:2e:31:\n                    a1:38:90:e8:55:cd:2c:68:d9:17:04:b9:ba:ff:69:\n                    9e:cb:39:5d:d4:2d:b1:43:ba:6f:96:2f:ed:f4:31:\n                    76:85:98:fe:95:08:e3:76:de:24:86:d0:38:4b:44:\n                    9a:3a:f2:34:a0:8b:53:0a:c0:e9:3a:cc:82:1b:e0:\n                    47:91:dc:37:21:61:15:3c:8c:00:fa:91:aa:93:5a:\n                    2e:09\n                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)\n        X509v3 extensions:\n            X509v3 Key Usage: \n                Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment\n            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: \n                TLS Web Server Authentication\n    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption\n         01:b6:cb:bc:f2:8f:2d:58:27:b6:d0:5f:29:4e:f3:cf:0a:0f:\n         a2:9c:0f:72:8e:9f:f3:53:a2:79:e8:a9:5e:fc:d9:f2:db:ba:\n         9e:8a:9b:24:9e:d8:15:b7:81:ab:8f:60:32:c0:81:5e:33:9d:\n         fe:a2:64:2a:db:ca:c7:28:ea:ba:37:ce:9c:67:5b:4f:a4:04:\n         f0:ff:08:46:bd:02:b5:72:c8:b2:26:57:ed:a5:c9:cd:3d:ed:\n         cb:20:cf:1a:e7:08:5c:61:f5:87:4d:e9:30:4d:8c:d9:3c:2e:\n         c6:17:2c:13:ec:ca:2a:e7:2b:60:6b:e1:63:37:b3:07:8d:6c:\n         ba:d1:66:04:64:ec:9e:5c:a7:78:de:a1:11:9d:9f:86:20:89:\n         c3:f2:60:d2:5e:4b:93:6d:82:7c:79:19:05:ad:df:ec:08:78:\n         52:b4:93:9b:9f:49:14:b7:0f:18:ee:a0:f1:ec:a6:81:ec:af:\n         c8:06:96:c2:aa:f1:c5:47:c4:e6:90:7e:8f:e2:22:92:8b:1c:\n         f0:2f:0a:a4:c2:69:5d:d2:07:5e:bf:6a:a2:5d:59:b2:4a:37:\n         ee:d9:b9:e4:fd:17:4f:4a:b5:7a:84:9b:4c:e7:16:b8:9c:81:\n         01:5c:ff:2d:80:50:b9:95:77:a1:0d:8a:c4:9d:d1:09:22:75:\n         c6:d0:96:f2\n\n\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nDYrEndEJInXG0Jby\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
[06/10/17 07:34:07][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[06/10/17 07:34:08]createEngine: CreateFontFromLOGFONT failed ()
[06/10/17 07:34:19]setGeometry: Unable to set geometry 689x313+961+401 on QWidgetWindow/'DownloadRepoDialogWindow'. Resulting geometry:  689x312+961+401 (frame: 9, 38, 9, 9, custom margin: 0, 0, 0, 0, minimum size: 425x250, maximum size: 16777215x250).
[06/10/17 07:34:24]setGeometry: Unable to set geometry 688x309+714+423 on QWidgetWindow/'CreateRepoDialogWindow'. Resulting geometry:  688x308+714+423 (frame: 9, 38, 9, 9, custom margin: 0, 0, 0, 0, minimum size: 550x247, maximum size: 16777215x247).

Log file ccnet:

[06/10/17 07:33:39] ccnet-daemon.c(193): starting ccnet client 6.0.6
[06/10/17 07:33:39] ccnet-daemon.c(195): ccnet source code version 2f3a79c63f3fc34ea143d88598e0257ba5c5964c
[06/10/17 07:33:39] ../common/session.c(132): using config file C:/Users/Robin/ccnet\ccnet.conf
[06/10/17 07:33:39] ../common/session.c(418): Listen on 13419
[06/10/17 07:33:39] ../common/session.c(290): Update pubinfo file
[06/10/17 07:33:40] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:33:40] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:33:40] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:33:40] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:33:41] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:33:41] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:33:41] ../common/peer.c(943): Local peer down
[06/10/17 07:33:41] ../common/peer.c(943): Local peer down
[06/10/17 07:33:41] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:33:41] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:33:41] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:33:42] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:33:42] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:34:07] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[06/10/17 07:34:07] ../common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client

Log file seafile:

[06/10/17 07:33:40] seaf-daemon.c(555): starting seafile client 6.0.6
[06/10/17 07:33:40] seaf-daemon.c(557): seafile source code version f6b66ebf772e22251eff8b1a5917fabc678f15a2
[06/10/17 07:33:40] ../common/mq-mgr.c(60): [mq client] mq cilent is started
[06/10/17 07:33:40] ../common/mq-mgr.c(106): [mq mgr] publish to heartbeat mq: seafile.heartbeat
[06/10/17 07:34:20] clone-mgr.c(840): Transition clone state for bc0266a5 from [init] to [check server].
[06/10/17 07:34:20] http-tx-mgr.c(748): libcurl failed to GET Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates.
[06/10/17 07:34:20] clone-mgr.c(857): Transition clone state for bc0266a5 from [check server] to [error]: check server.
[06/10/17 07:34:25] clone-mgr.c(840): Transition clone state for bc0266a5 from [error] to [check server].
[06/10/17 07:34:25] http-tx-mgr.c(748): libcurl failed to GET Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates.
[06/10/17 07:34:25] clone-mgr.c(857): Transition clone state for bc0266a5 from [check server] to [error]: check server.
[06/10/17 07:34:26] clone-mgr.c(840): Transition clone state for aede6ffa from [init] to [check server].
[06/10/17 07:34:26] http-tx-mgr.c(748): libcurl failed to GET Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates.
[06/10/17 07:34:26] clone-mgr.c(857): Transition clone state for aede6ffa from [check server] to [error]: check server.
[06/10/17 07:34:30] clone-mgr.c(840): Transition clone state for bc0266a5 from [error] to [check server].
[06/10/17 07:34:30] clone-mgr.c(840): Transition clone state for aede6ffa from [error] to [check server].
[06/10/17 07:34:30] http-tx-mgr.c(748): libcurl failed to GET Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates.

Check the CA and that the certs are complete. If I’m not mistaken you are using IIS, not many users here that use IIS but it may work though.

That’s correct I’m using IIS I have recreated the ssl cert again but still the same issue.

This is hard, if I don’t get it to work soon I’m forced to go over to run ubuntu in a vm so I can get seafile to work, im guessing that it’s the easiest way to go as all the help out there is for Linux.
And then I do get the 64 bit version of the server also so I’m guessing that it’s a good thing

I’ll uninstall IIS and give nginx a try, it do seem that the support for nginx is a bit better then IIS.

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