Changes by user not being updated with Admin or others

I have an issue with my community self hosted server that I have been running for 3+ years. It is version seafile-server-11.0.13. I am running this on Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS, everything is up to date.

Problem: changes by one user synced to seafile have not been available to the administrator or other users for over two weeks.

User 1: Mac 15.1 user. Seafile sync client up to date. Syncing the “Library 1” to the server works as normal. All updates and changes are synced as expected. Changes for “Library 1” are on the seafile website when this user logs in.

Admin user: owner of the shared “Library 1”. Admin cannot see changes/updates by User 1 for “Library 1” on the seafile website. Permissions on shared folder are correct and have not been changed for months. Additionally I have tried to remove and re-add User 1- to no avail.

User 2: also does not receive any updates by User 1 for “Library 1” with the seafile sync client or the website.

– I have run seaf-fsck. It did find some errors, including errors with the “Library 1” folder. It did fix these errors. I have not run this a 2nd time- Would that help?
– I tried upgrading to seafile-server-11.0.3. This broke my seafile-hub and would not start. I have since reverted back to seafile-server-11.0.13

Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA.

I don’t think I know enough about what is happening inside of seafile to explain why files uploaded by user1 are available to user1 but not to the other users (especially admin). I suspect that the files are actually broken, but there’s maybe a cache somewhere or something like that making the files appear to be ok for user1, so that user just isn’t seeing the broken state.

Since the fsck said it found and fixed problems in the library, I suspect there are problems it could not fix. I would start with a fsck of the filesystem on the seafile server. If there’s a problem storing files it’s like to break and re-break that library every time you fix it.

Then do the seaf-fsck again. If it says it fixed things run it again to see if it reports everything is fine. If it keeps saying that library is broken over and over, I would make a new library, copy everything into it, and then delete the old one.

Also, 11.0.3 is not newer than 11.0.13. 11.0.3 is the third version of the 11.0 release, and 11.0.13 is the 13th. Version numbers defy math norms.