CLI Client with NAS folder

Thanks Germeier. That did it!
Now, changes that are done directly on NAS share getting picked up and updated on the library!
You are my hero.
The question now is, whether it is possible to specify this “sync interval” somewhere in the config files without going through the below trouble as it does not look like a sane solution.

I’ve documented what I had to do to make it work from the very beginning. Here it is:

-OS: CentOS 7.3.1511
-seafile 6.0.6 installed and running
-NAS is mounted using CIFS and located in /mnt/nasshare

  1. ssh into the server running seafile

  2. add repo for seafile CLI/GUI for CentOS7 client from here

  3. install cli client
    yum install seafile

  4. initialize seaf-cli client to create config file(~/.config/Seafile) as well as specify where to store client data
    seaf-cli init -d /opt/seaf-client

  5. start seaf-cli client
    seaf-cli start

  6. create library to sync with this client
    seaf-cli create -s http://x.x.x.x:8000 -n LibraryTest -u -p password

  7. list the library id I just created to sync with this client (a long alphanumeric number)
    seaf-cli list

  8. sync above library with this the NAS share (using library id)
    seaf-cli sync -l 645gf65g-f87g-454e-gb54-76fcg5y8b524 -s http://x.x.x.x:8000 -d /mnt/nasshare/seafile/ -u -p password

  9. stop seaf-cli client
    seaf-cli stop

  10. install seafile-client-qt (GUI) from repo in step 1
    yum install seafile-client-qt

  11. Install xauth for X11 forwarding
    yum install xauth

  12. reconnect via SSH now with X forwarding options
    ssh -X -A root@x.x.x.x
    attempting to run seafile-applet launches the GUI but I cannot type anything in in the fields, the fonts are all messed up and there are errors on the CentOS side.

  13. after a bit of reading, I did the following
    yum install qtcreator
    export QT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT=/usr/share/X11/xkb
    Now running seafile-applet launches the GUI client and I am able to type but the fonts are still messed up

  14. as per germeier’s direction, I copied below fonts from my linux machine (Linux Mint 17) to CentOS into the same path
    CentOS did not have truetype/dejavu, truetype/liberation folders so I had to create them

  15. launch seafile-applet again
    Now I am able to type and actually see what I am typing.
    Specified my server, and connected successfully.

  16. specify sync interval as per this, I went with 60 seconds.

  17. close GUI client

  18. start seaf-cli
    seaf-cli start

All done. I tested and it indeed worked as intended. More testing needed tho.
Please feel free to correct and suggest a different method of doing this.
Once again, Germeier, thank you so very much for lending a hand!