I am using Seafile community version 11 with notification servier within an LXC container without docker. I can see that there is a strong trend to move everything to docker, and I found this manual:
Migrate from non-docker deployment - Seafile Admin Manual
But here, the database will still remain on a non-docker version. Isn’t it better to manage all parts of Seafile including the database and nginx by using docker-compose? But then, it would be nice to have at least a link to information how to move an existing MySQL installation to docker and integrate everything by using docker-compose?
On the other hand, I really like the full installation on a specific Linux version. Since the docker container also has a specific environment, why don’t you offer a non-docker version for everything which fits exactly to a specific Linux? Since I am using LCX containers, I am also flexible which Linux version this is, and maybe, you will just use an LTS Ubuntu only but don’t support other distributions. When you are forced to use Docker, you will have two layers of virtualization in a LXC environment (I am using Proxmox), and this is just not necessary.
Another choice is installing a new Seafile instance, then following the backup/restore process.
Sure. Maybe you can add a link what documentation you exactly mean.
Sure, here is the document: Backup and Recovery - Seafile Admin Manual