Connect OnlyOffice Desktop with Seafile Cloud

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i followed that instruction.

I could connect OnlyOffice with my Seafile Cloud.

But if i click on a excel or word document there only appears a download button with the information, that a preview is not possible.
In that case should onlyoffice Desktop open the file in the editor right? Any advice how to get it working? :slight_smile:
Is a document server necessary? I think it is not?

My Seafile Server Version is 9.0.2

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Hi maroon, please refer to this guide: helpcenter[dot]onlyoffice[dot]com/installation/desktop-connect-seafile.aspx

Make sure you’ve installed ONLYOFFICE Docs (e.g. using Docker) before establishing the integrations.

Hope that helps. If not, kindly report the issue to our support team: onlyoffice[dot]com/support-contact-form.aspx :slight_smile:.

Hi Vlad,

i’ve installed the newst OnlyOffice Destkop for windows. I can select in the first tab of OnlyOffice (translated) “Cloud Connections”. I click on my seafile cloud and then i select a word or excel file. After that the download button appears with the information: (Translated) “Preview for this file format is not available” with a Download button. Any advice?

I already added the line


in my

It is the same behaviour like trying to open it directly in the browser.

Edit: Ok if i select the excel file and press the button “open locally” i get following message:
“Internet connection failed… You are unable to edit the docment because the Internet connection is lost or restricted. Please check your connection and re-open the document to continue.”
I disabled the windows firewall but it took no effect. My Windows Pc and RaspberryPi with Seafile are both in the same network.

Downloading the file works without any problems.

Edit: I’m using 2FactorAuthentification in Seafile. Could that be the problem? ( )
I could log-in with 2FA + seafile in OnlyOffice without any problems. I can see all files.

I have disabled the 2FactorAuthentification but i get the same error again:

Do i need beside a seafile server and a OnlyOffice Desktop, a OnlyOffice Document Server too? If yes: Is it enough to install the document server on every client pc? Or do i have to connect the document sever with the seafile server to get it working in OO Desktop?

What is the benefit of using OO Desktop with cloud connection if it still needs a Document Server which allows me editing directly in the browser?

Edit: Ok nevermind. I checked your linked tutorial again

Install ONLYOFFICE Docs . Please note that Seafile server and ONLYOFFICE Docs must be accessible to each other over the network.

Onlyoffice Docs = Onyloffice Document Server …

Is it possible to set more than one document server?