Hello there, 
I am new to Seafile and could use some advice to ensure I am setting it up optimally for my team. We are a small group of six people working on various projects that require frequent file sharing and real time collaboration.
Half of us are on Windows; two are on macOS, and one prefers Linux. We need a solution that works seamlessly across all these platforms. Are there any known issues or configurations I should consider to avoid compatibility hiccups? 
I have set up Seafile on a VPS with 1TB of storage; but I am wondering about best practices for syncing large files. Some of our files exceed 2GB would enabling the file chunking feature in Seafile make syncing smoother?
We love the idea of collaborative editing in Seafile. How well does the Office Online or OnlyOffice integration work in real-world use? Do I need to allocate extra resources on the VPS for these features to function without lags? 
Also, I have gone through this post; https://forum.seafile.com/t/i-want-advice-on-optimizing-seafile-for-large-scale-file-storage-machine-learning which definitely helped me out a lot.
Since data integrity is critical, what backup strategies work best with Seafile? Should I consider syncing everything to another server or integrating a third party solution.
Thanks in advance for your help and assistance. 
I don’t think there’s much to configure or optimize for your use case. It sounds like you are pretty close to what the seafile was built for.
I would suggest enabling the chunking. Usually it has no noticeable effect at all, for example, when I tested it, I wasn’t able to measure a speed difference. But sometimes it fixes problems with uploads through the web interface.
I haven’t seen it change anything for the agent, but I think that’s because the agent already does a different sort of chunking. The agent is especially good for syncing large files where only small changes are made. Other tools I’ve seen will send all of the modified file to the server, but the seafile agent will find just the changed parts of the file and upload them. And the other users will only need to download those changed parts rather than an entire file. The chunking the agent does to make that work is not optional, so nothing needs to be configure there.
I don’t have an answer for you about the Office tools. I briefly tested it, but didn’t do anything collaborative with it, so I don’t have an answer there.
For backups, there’s a lot of different options available. I run seafile in a VM, and backup the entire VM (along with all the other important VMs), which makes restoring easy. Since you are running in a VPS, I would suggest you read the backup and recovery part of the guide carefully. I would probably just dump the database out to a backup file, and then use rsync to copy it and the data stored in that seafile server onto another machine (probably some machine in the office). That’s because I would find that easy enough to do, and my seafile is small enough (around 750GB) that I could deploy a new VPS, upload all that data, and do the recovery in under a day. That’s good enough enough for my use, but maybe not for yours.