Database recovered from backup - data intact

I have got the server back running, thank you very much for the assistance. Here are the scripts I used to reconstruct the database.

The script to find the latest commits and to delete references to non-existent (deleted) libraries;



 *  @File resync-seafile-database
 *  @Author
 *  @Created 2018-04-12
 *  Released to public domain without any kind of warranty or liability.
 *  Always make sure to dump a backup of your database before attempting a re-sync.
 *  This script is intended for re-synchronizing a backed up version of the
 *  Seafile v6.x database with a more recent state of the filesystem.
 *  Use of this script in other circumstances or with incorrect configuration
 *  may damage your Seafile installation.

echo("\nAttempting to re-synchronize the seafile database with filesystem...\n");
echo("Connection to Seafile database...\n");

$basePath = "/opt/seafile/seafile-data/storage/commits/";
$dbUser = "USERNAME";
$dbPass = "PASSWORD";
$dbTables = ["Branch","Repo","RepoFileCount","RepoGroup","RepoHead","RepoHistoryLimit","RepoOwner","RepoSize","RepoValidSince"];

$db = new PDO("mysql:host=;dbname=seafiledb", $dbUser, $dbPass);

   die("Failed! Terminating...\n");

// Get the list of repositories
$repos = $db->query("SELECT * FROM Branch");
echo($repos->rowCount()." repositories found in the database.\n");


// Loop through the repositories in the database
while($repo = $repos->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
   echo('Repository '.$repo->repo_id.':');

   // Look for a corresponding directory in the filesystem
   $repoPath = $basePath .  $repo->repo_id;
   if(!is_dir($repoPath)) {
       echo("Not found on the filesystem, deleting from database.\n");
       foreach($dbTables as $table) {
         $db->exec("DELETE FROM $table WHERE repo_id='{$repo->repo_id}'");

   // find the most recent commit file in the filesystem
   $commitMeta=explode(' ', exec("find $repoPath -type f -print0 | xargs -0 stat --format '%Y :%y %n' | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- 2>/dev/null | head -n 1"));
   $commitId = str_replace('/', '', str_replace($repoPath, '', $commitMeta[3]));

   // Database shows the same commit id
   if($commitId == $repo->commit_id) {
       echo("Database up to date!\n");
   // Database shows a different commit id, assume filesystem is correct
   else {
       echo("Last commit on filesystem on $commitMeta[0] at ".substr($commitMeta[1],0,8).", updating database...");
       if(0 < $db->exec("UPDATE Branch SET commit_id='$commitId' WHERE repo_id='{$repo->repo_id}'")) {
    else {


echo("Finished!\n" .
    "$notExist references to non-existent repositories deleted from the database.\n" .
    "$updated existing repositories updated, $skipped skipped, $errors errors encountered.\n\n");

And the script to find orphaned libraries and to add the new ones to the database:



 * @File find-seafile-fs-orphans
 * @Author
 * @Created 2018-04-12
 * This script has been released to public domain without any kind of warranty.
 * This script is intended to search for libraries in the physical filesystem
 * which are newer than a certain date, and to create the necessary database
 * entries to make these available to seafile in a scenario where the database
 * has been recovered from an older backup. Using this script in a different
 * scenario might damage your database.
 * Always make a backup dump of your Seafile database before launching this script.

echo("\nSearching for orphaned libraries in the filesystem...\n");
echo("Connection to Seafile database...\n");

$basePath = "/opt/seafile/seafile-data/storage/commits/";
$dbUser = "USERNAME";
$dbPass = "PASSWORD";
// Time of the backup point to decide, if a library was created before or after
$backupTime = strtotime('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +HHMM'); 
$db = new PDO("mysql:host=;dbname=seafiledb", $dbUser, $dbPass);

   die("Failed! Terminating...\n");

// Get the list of repositories in the filesystem
$repos = scandir($basePath);
echo( count($repos)-2 . " repositories found in the filesystem.\n");


// Loop through the repositories
foreach($repos as $repoId) {
   $repoPath = $basePath .  $repoId;
   if($repoId=='.' || $repoId=='..') {

   // Check if the database has an entry for this Repo Id.
   $repoDb = $db->query("SELECT * FROM Repo WHERE repo_id='$repoId'");

   // No match found
   if($repoDb->rowCount()==0) { // No match
       echo("Repository $repoId not found in the database!\n");

       // Get the newest commit on the filesystem
       $newestCommitMeta=explode(' ', exec("find $repoPath -type f -print0 | xargs -0 stat --format '%Y :%y %n' | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- 2>/dev/null | head -n 1"));
       $newestCommitTime = $newestCommitMeta[0] .' '. substr($newestCommitMeta[1],0,8);
       $newestCommitId = str_replace('/', '', str_replace($repoPath, '', $newestCommitMeta[3]));

       // Get the oldest commit from the filesystem
       $oldestCommitMeta=explode(' ', exec("find $repoPath -type f -print0 | xargs -0 stat --format '%Y :%y %n' | sort -n | cut -d: -f2- 2>/dev/null | head -n 1"));
       $oldestCommitTime = $newestCommitMeta[0] .' '. substr($newestCommitMeta[1],0,8);
       $oldestCommit = json_decode(file_get_contents($oldestCommitMeta[3]));
       $owner = $oldestCommit->creator_name;

       // Check if the oldest commit took place after the time the database originates from (== new library)
       if(strtotime($oldestCommitTime) > $backupTime) {
          echo("New library: Created on $oldestCommitTime by $owner\n");
          echo("Writing database entries...");
          if(1 > $db->exec("INSERT INTO Repo (repo_id) VALUES ('$repoId')")) {
               echo("Error creating Repo record $repoId, aborting!\n");
          elseif(1 > $db->exec("INSERT INTO RepoOwner (repo_id, owner_id) VALUES ('$repoId', '$owner')")) {
               echo("Error setting owner $owner to $repoId, aborting!\n");
          elseif(1 > $db->exec("INSERT INTO RepoHead (repo_id, branch_name) VALUES ('$repoId', 'master')")) {
               echo("Error setting Branch 'master' to $repoId, aborting!\n");
          elseif(1 > $db->exec("INSERT INTO Branch (repo_id, commit_id, name) VALUES ('$repoId', '$newestCommitId', 'master')")) {
               echo("Error setting latest commit $newestCommitId to $repoId branch master, aborting!\n");
          else {
       else {
          echo("Ignoring deleted library created on $oldestCommitTime\n\n");
   // Match in the db, everything ok.
   else {


echo("Finished!\n" .
     "$notFoundNew New repositories with no record in the database found.\n" .
     "$created Records successfully created in the database, $errors database errors encountered.\n" .
     "$notFoundOld Deleted repositories with no record in the database ignored.\n" .
     "$found repositories OK. \n\n");