Deactivate Home Logo Link in shared links


We have implemented shibboleth login, which enables automatic registration with admin validation.

The result is that many users asks for registration just when they try to login with an IDP registered in the federation (WAYF)

This is annoying and may grow as far as mor shared link are sent to users.

I’m quite sure that they try to login with SSO because they have access to the Home Page of Seafile directly from the logo Button in the shared link page.

<div id="header" class="{% block header_css_class %}d-flex{% endblock %}">
            <a href="{{ SITE_ROOT }}" id="logo">

Could it be possible to deactivate the link whith a condition like

{% if request.user.is_authenticated %}
Link to Home Page
{% else %}
NO Link to Home Page
{% endif %}

Also, it could be useful to deactivate the adress bar of the browser

As far as shared links may be adressed to externals, this would logicla to prevent them for logging

What do you think, @daniel.pan ?


Thanks for the detailed report.

So far, we don’t receive such problem report from other users.

Why people trying to login via SSO? Based on the answer, another possible solution is to write a notice in the login page to prevent people from trying to login.

Best regards,
Daniel Pan

Hi daniel,

It is a alternative solution. I was looking for a more robust solution, based on the principle that shared links may not include logging path into Seafile.


Because many users already using the version with home link for a long time, we don’t know how many depend on this feature. So we can’t remove the link by default. On the other hand, adding too many options will make the system hard to maintain. So I suggest the alternative solution.

It would be enough to make the login status available for the template I think.

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We will modify the home page, as you suggest.

But, @daniel.pan, when common users can not ask for registration (set to FALSE), i still think that sso users may not either . You may rely on the same settings to prevent shibboleth to log in.

As far as it is easy to implement…
