Docker Seafile 11 Seafdav (Webdav) upload issue: file is to big


i have faced an issue with Seafile webdav (Seafdav) when i use Seafile Version 11 after upgrade.
The issue is the follow:

In Windows file explorer i have successful a Webdav drive over https to the Seafile server. So seafdav is enabled, we can see all folders. When i upload some files like pdf or simple text files i get a error “…file is to big…” and i have 0 Bytes files in the folder.

When i downgrade to Seafile Version 10 again no problems at all. Everything works fine then.
We use Sefafile docker community.

Does anyone have a hint what could be the reason?

regards :slight_smile:

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Hello, we can reproduce this issue on our side, we will try to fix it next week.


Sounds good, thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi @lian

any news on this? The fix is not yet public available


Hello @lian

do you have any news on this? We cannot use Seafile Webdav 11 because of this issue.
When will that problem be fixed?


Sorry for late reply.

We will check this issue now.

Hello, Seafile’s seafdav is based on the wsgidav project(GitHub - mar10/wsgidav: A generic and extendable WebDAV server based on WSGI). Seafile version 10 uses wsgidav 4.1, while version 11 uses wsgidav 4.3.

It seems that wsgidav added some checks in version 4.3, which caused your issue.

We have also conducted tests, and it seems that this issue only occurs when connecting to seafdav using Windows File Explorer. Other WebDAV clients do not encounter this problem.

We will conduct further debugging and submit an issue to wsgidav project to see if they can resolve this problem.

Hello @lian

thank you for that info. Seafile Webdav with Windows explorer is the most important thing we have with Seafile. Its a core feature.


Hello @lian

do you guys have any news or update on this issue?


Hello @lian

do you have any updates on this? We cannot upgrde to Seafile 11 at current.


I suggest you temporarily install a third-party connector program to get through the waiting period.
I personally use RaiDrive.

Currently we don’t have resource to further investigate the problem. The recommended workaround is to use third-party connector program.

Hello @daniel.pan @Wenjie_Hsieh

thats very bad news because we cannot use Seafile with Windows file explorer anymore. Using a connector is not a solution because when someone has open an excel sheet then this excel sheet is not locked for other users that open that excel sheet at the same time! Finally they get an iconsistent excel…

So that means we cannot use Seafile anymore :frowning:
The Webdav functionality is the most important feature over years in Seafile! Many user of us use Seafile Webdav with native Windows file explorer.

So can you tell me how long it takes to fix that issue?


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It is related to the third party library we use, we don’t have a deep knowledge of it yet. We cannot give you an estimation at this moment.

OK! So Seafile 11 has a big bug in there and its not usable with Windows file explorer anymore. Thats how it is now…