Error when opening or renaming file

Seafile Server 9.0.10 CE
Seadrive Version 3.0.2

I was called by a colleague today who couldn’t open a file with an error message a few people already mentioned in this forum ( 0x80070185 ). I found the file in question on the server itself and it replicated to my local (Windows) Seadrive installation when I connected with the colleagues user account.

I was able to do everything with the file via the local Seadrive installation (open, modify, reupload, rename, a.s.o) but I could not rename the file via webinterface.

The error message i got was
2023-05-25 10:04:48,218 [ERROR] seahub.api2.endpoints.file:305 post file does not exist
2023-05-25 10:04:48,223 [ERROR] django.request:224 log_response Internal Server Error: /api/v2.1/repos/341f3b73-0388-4026-971d-5d4dfb57d06b/file/

I suspected that there was an issue with the filename because there was a German Umlaut in it so I renamed it via the local Seadrive client and the issue vanished.

abc Name_Fachkräftemangel_112022.docx
Changed to:
abc Name_Fachkraeftemangel_112022.docx

The problem is that the issue is not consistent. I have numerous other files with Umlauten, even in the same folder as the troublemaker, and none of those files had any comparable issue. To be sure I tested if i could replicate the same behaviour with other files that had Umlaute in their file names but I could not get the same result.

Before renaming I tried to following steps:
1.) Changing and saving the document so that the timestamp was refreshed.

2.) Making a copy of the document, going with the windows default naming scheme so that the new file had the name abc Name_Fachkräftemangel_112022 - Kopie.docx

The file was uploaded to the server and synchronized to other clients as well but I still could not rename the file via Webinterface, same server error.

Is there anything that I can do to ensure that this error does not happen again?


1, Can you upgrade your Seafile to the newest 10.0.x version, and then check if the problem still persists?

2, Are there any error messages in the seafile.log?

3, Could you please provide us with a test account for Seafile so that we can log in to your Seafile site and perform some tests? Alternatively, could you upload the file to our demo site, which is 10.0.4, so that we can conduct the test on our end?

password: lian