File history broken

I’m using the Pro version of Seafile, upgraded today to 11.0.14 from 9.0.5 where the problem was also occuring. I have no idea when it started, but I noticed it a few months ago.

What happens is that when I open a file history, one I know has changed in the past, and clicking to either download or view an older file version, the operation fails. I either get a Page Unavailable error or a missing file, depending on the case. Internally I get in fileserver.log, for ex:

failed to read block 0ec2b74c19198332f309a424746c8aa095f95335: open /opt/seafile/seafile-data/storage/blocks/77de42df-74dd-4609-97fb-c47ca6302e3b/0e/c2b74c19198332f309a424746c8aa095f95335: no such file or directory.

This occurs seemingly with all file versions, even the one marked “(current)”

Previously with Seafile 9.0.5, all file versions were dated years behind, which seems to have been fixed now.

Files also seem to be missing updates, because I see a filed marked as changed in the last 4 months, for example, but then there is no history whatsoever. And the library is marked to keep all history.

As a workaround, I found that the library history/snapshot works. At least I can go to a past change and get an older version of a file I want.

Is this a known problem? Can it be fixed or history regenerated?

As an added information: everyday at 04:00 I run a script to update a Seafile backup and before that I do to GC all the libraries.
