Installation Best Practices

  1. Which script are you referring to (with fail2ban)? There are hundreds of scripts in the internet.

  2. Why don’t you try this tutorial from saljut7? Tutorial for Seafile CE + Nginx + dynamic DNS (on ARM / Cubietruck / RaspberryPi)
    It’s the most complete one and you will have all control about your installation (fail2ban and e.g. ufw firewall can be set up seperately).

  3. The benefit using this tutorial is that you know then what you are doing/what’s going on on your server and additionally you can show up questions / improvement suggestions by commenting the thread.

Did my installation based on saljut7’s tutorial and because of following his steps I could inform myself about every step: e.g. I’ve decided to install a newer nginx version than that provided by debian jessie because I can use http/s then and so on. This also helps the community, because new suggestions and additions are improving the tutorial for everybody.

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