iOS APP 2.9.31 - FileUpload issue - filesize > 2 mb

Since new IOS App Version 2.9.31 there seems to be a bug when i try to upload files larger than 2 MBs (in not encrypted libraries AND encrypted libraries) from iPhone App.


  • manual File upload was successful
  • After Upload, Thumbnail cannot be generated or found
2024-12-01 10:53:15,487 [WARNING] seahub.thumbnail.utils:144 generate_thumbnail cannot identify image file <_io.BytesIO object at 0x7fa8725ee0>
2024-12-01 10:53:15,489 [WARNING] django.request:241 log_response Bad Request: /api2/repos/1a0dc70e-8ae3-43db-ab33-c9145439f3d0/thumbnail/
2024-12-01 10:55:12,890 [WARNING] seahub.thumbnail.utils:144 generate_thumbnail cannot identify image file <_io.BytesIO object at 0x7fa9ebe2a0>
  • Image format seems to be broken - If i download image on Windows, or other systems, Image can not be opened.

Seems like to be the same issue as in 2017, reported on Github:

Can you check and fix the issue?

@daniel.pan : Is this issue already known? Can you check please?

Apologies for the inconvenience caused. In version 2.9.31, the method of obtaining images during upload scrolling was optimized, which caused this issue. The file extension might be JPG, but the actual format could be HEIC, making it unviewable on Windows systems. This issue has been fixed in the new version 2.9.32.

I did not encounter the thumbnail issue on version 2.9.31 on my iOS device. However, if the issue persists on your end, could you provide more detailed steps to help us reproduce it?

Thank you very much for the fix, i downloaded the latest App and tested it, and it works like a charm again.

The Thumbnail Issue seems also to be fixed, i can see it in the app and also i don’t see any error messages in the logs.

Thank you for your feedback. We’re glad to know that the issue has been resolved. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you encounter any further problems.