Multiple seafile-data folders?

A quick update here… I am able to make it work by doing some manual work.

i changed policy to repo id mapping
firstly, i create new library from web, and there is a folder created in old seafile-data commit folder.

I manually changed database storage_id for the newly created library. can see the new id is “new_storage” which point to “fs”: {“backend”: “fs”, “dir”: “/storage/seafile/new_seafile-data”},

then I copy old commits folder(located at old seafile-data folder,as i didnt upload anything yet,so no folder under “fs” and “bloack”) to this new commit folder(commits": {“backend”: “fs”, “dir”: “/storage/seafile/new_seafile-data”},)
then wola… all working …
I am able to upload files to this new library and at backend all files are stored in new folder. and other libaries no impact.

but it is really not a good way even can make it work.

So my guessing is, need to populate storage_id information before you config the storage class.

If anyone has any finding or can contact the dev team. Please help me to ask for it.

thanks :stuck_out_tongue: