Network Error in Android Seafile Client

I saw Network Error reported by people for Seafile Client somewhere on internet. but I did not know it is the same case as mine.

I want to report what happened to me for Network Error.

I have 2 Seafile Servers installed, I can access from internet or home network, one support HTTPS, the other HTTP

I follow the official documentation on Seafile Server setup and deployment with Apache and My SQL. I assume both my server setup are good, no issue at all.

I use Browser to access both Seafile Servers (one is HTTPS, the other HTTP), good is result.
I install Seafile Client on my iPad mini and iPad Air, both HTTPS and HTTP connection, operation are good.
I install Seafile Client on my Android Phone (Honor View 10) from Google App Store, result is good.

I install Seafile Client on my Single Board Computer (Odroid UX4, Android 8.1, Google Store), Network Error on login page for both HTTPS and HTTP
I install Seafile Client on my Single Board Computer (Tinkboard Board, Android 6.0, Google Store), Network Error on login page for both HTTPS and HTTP
I install Seafile Client on my Single Board Computer (Firefly RK3328, Android 7.0, F-Droid), Network Error on login page for both HTTPS and HTTP

I choose the same version of Seafile Client for above tests. Could someone tell me why Android Seafile Client works for some, not for all?

CA certificate issue? HTTP does not require SSL. but still the same error as HTTPS

Android Seafile Client only works for Official Android ROM, but does not work for Custom Android ROM?
it is possible to my feeling, but where in Android makes the code crash?