No Seafile in contextmenu after GPO Installation


if i install oder upgrade with GPO, the Seafile Contextmenu in the windows explorer is not visible. If i install seafile manually, i have the seafile entry in the contextmenu. I have this error with all versions of seafile.

Any suggestions?


[02/20/17 13:50:08]starting ccnet: ("-c", “C:/Users/mm1/ccnet”)
[02/20/17 13:50:09]trying to connect to ccnet daemon…

[02/20/17 13:50:09]connected to ccnet daemon

[02/20/17 13:50:09]starting seaf-daemon: ("-c", “C:/Users/mm1/ccnet”, “-d”, “C:/Users/mm1/seafile/Seafile/.seafile-data”, “-w”, “C:/Users/mm1/seafile/Seafile”)
[02/20/17 13:50:11][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[02/20/17 13:50:18][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[02/20/17 13:50:18][MessageListener] connected to daemon
[02/20/17 13:50:18]Unable to get config value download_limit: Config not exists
[02/20/17 13:50:18]Unable to get config value upload_limit: Config not exists
[02/20/17 13:50:19][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[02/20/17 13:51:16][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[02/20/17 13:51:18]The latest version is 5.0.4

Could you also attach C:\users\username\seaf_ext.log ? That log may be more helpful.

On the client where the contextmenu isn’t available i haven’t this logfile. I just have this log on the client where i manually installed seafile and have the contextmenue entry

I guess by “GPO” you mean “windows domain group policy object”.

You can check if the the registry entry “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Seafile” is present when you install with GPO.

One possible reason is that the seafile client installer would launch the seafile client executable after installation, with the identity as the same user who runs the installer. So when you install seafile client with GPO, the client is launched as the administrator user, instead of the current login user.

Yes i mean with group policy.

We use Windows 7 64 bit pro… I have no \Shellex" key. See the screenshot

Sorry I made a bit typo earlier. It’s HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Seafile .

Yes this entry is present. In this there is (Standard) REG_SZ {D14BEDD3-4E05-4F2F-B0DE-C0381E6AE606}

Have you found any issue or could you comprehend the error?

Sorry we don’t have find the cause of the problem yet. But we will keep it in mind.

Any news? We updated the clients to Version 6.0.4. Problem still occurs :frowning: