PDF converter failture


I’ve a problem with the online file preview. I’m running Seafile Pro 6.0.2 with Libreoffice
Viewing .xlsx files works fine. But .docx and .pdf files couldn’t be converted.

[2016-10-31 08:21:22,672] [DEBUG] start to fetch task <type: docx, id: 8aba19b3e0de6dba74d5a4e33eca820971faa93b> [2016-10-31 08:21:22,676] [DEBUG] start to convert task <type: docx, id: 8aba19b3e0de6dba74d5a4e33eca820971faa93b> [2016-10-31 08:21:23,071] [DEBUG] succefully converted <type: docx, id: 8aba19b3e0de6dba74d5a4e33eca820971faa93b> to pdf [2016-10-31 08:21:23,075] [ERROR] failed to convert <type: docx, id: 8aba19b3e0de6dba74d5a4e33eca820971faa93b> to html Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/seafile/seafile-pro-server-6.0.2/pro/python/seafevents/office_converter/task_manager.py", line 135, in _convert_pdf_to_html task.pdf, task.htmldir, task_manager.max_pages, progress_callback) File "/opt/seafile/seafile-pro-server-6.0.2/pro/python/seafevents/office_converter/convert.py", line 311, in pdf_to_html2 pdf_info = self._get_pdf_info_json(pdf) File "/opt/seafile/seafile-pro-server-6.0.2/pro/python/seafevents/office_converter/convert.py", line 278, in _get_pdf_info_json output = _check_output(['pdfinfo', pdf]) File "/opt/seafile/seafile-pro-server-6.0.2/pro/python/seafevents/office_converter/convert.py", line 31, in _check_output process = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 710, in __init__ errread, errwrite) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1335, in _execute_child raise child_exception OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory [2016-10-31 08:21:23,075] [DEBUG] removing temporary document /tmp/tmpPbhFIv.docx

As you can see the conversion from .docx to .pdf works. But there seems to be a problem between .pdf and .html

There is no other hint in the manual

Can anybody help?

Check Office preview not working

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Install poppler-utils solved the problem.

Thanks a lot!