Recover server-data

A couple of years ago I installed my seafile server on a Windows Machine and stored everytihng on an external disk and forgot about it. Now I would like to run my server again, however all I have left is the seafile-data folder. I may have once or twice used that data folder also on a linux machine.
Although I don’t remember the config files seem to show that I used a mysql database.

I tried running a seafile instance with the configuration, however I’m only getting to install a complete new installation without being able to use the data directory.
The directory has following structure:


├── accounts.db
├── autoupdate-cache.db
├── avatars
├── branch.db
├── ca-bundle.pem
├── certs.db
├── clone.db
├── commits
├── config.db
├── customization
│ ├── data8
│ └── prepared
├── db
│ ├── aria_log.00000001
│ ├── aria_log_control
│ ├── ccnet_db
│ ├── ibdata1
│ ├── ib_logfile0
│ ├── ib_logfile1
│ ├──
│ ├── mysql
│ ├── performance_schema
│ ├── seafile_db
│ └── seahub_db
├── deleted_store
│ ├── blocks
│ ├── commits
│ └── fs
├── file-cache.db
├── filelocks.db
├── fs
├── id
├── index
│ └── cd5ee97d-4ae6-4dc7-a9eb-e914e2df5df5
├── logs
│ ├── seafile
│ └── var-log
├── repo.db
├── seafile
│ ├── ccnet
│ ├── conf
│ ├── seafile-data
│ └── seahub-data
├── storage
│ ├── blocks
│ ├── commits
│ └── fs
├── system-proxy.txt
├── tmpfiles
│ ├── 712d10f0b46757cf3d362f03997b73c608f6c6ee.0WYARY
│ └── c4b50da2a73ba414c24dc823d5f0002304b2c54f.UCA1FZ
├── transfer.db
└── tree.txt

30 directories, 23 files

How can I run a seafile server that uses my old data? I do still know the admin username and password.

Welcome to the Seafile Community Forum.
You are asking a very general question and one that can probably be answered by consulting the manual.
As a consequence, this is what I recommend to you: Have a look at