Seafdav - MOVE command causing 502

Hi, I’m sorry, but as far as I understand the source code of wsgidav, the X-Forwarded-Proto header is never evaluated, so adding this header doesn’t help. There was a fix suggested in the bug to also evaluate the X-Forwarded-Proto header, but then another solution (rewriting the Destination) header was proposed, but that is more difficult with nginx.

i use apache 2.4.38 as reverse proxy and did also get a 502 error when the webdav client from my KeePass try to initiate a MOVE.

Try to set the X-Forwarded-Proto header in my vhost config, but could not get it to work.

RequestHeader set "X-Forwarded-Proto" expr=%{REQUEST_SCHEME}
RequestHeader set "X-Forwarded-SSL" expr=%{HTTPS}

This is the link to the bug in wsgidav:
Anybody else maybe has a hint or idea to fix this or where to raise a bug report?

In reading the issue and examining the code the problem is that WSGIDav examines the requested scheme (http or https) vs the actual scheme. In otherwords, when you contact the server you use This request is SSL terminated by the NGINX reverse proxy which forwards the request as The headers passed along all indicate a scheme of HTTPS, but the actual communication is on HTTP (non-SSL). The WSSGIDav code sees the incongruity and rejects the request with the 502 error.

This is correct behavior according to the standard. The issue is the code should be checking the X-Forwarded-Proto and then act accordingly, but currently does not. So adjusting the X-Forwarded-Proto will have no affect at the moment.

The only other options are to rewrite the headers so it looks like the original request was HTTP or to enable HTTPS on the WebDav backend - neither of which is trivial. Or you just do not use a reverse proxy.

As I have time I’ll research options and see if a solution presents itself.

Adding something like this in the nginx vhost should rewrite the Destination header :

      set $destination $http_destination;
      if ($destination ~* ^https(.+)$) {
         set $destination http$1;
      proxy_set_header Destination $destination;

If using Apache,

    RequestHeader edit Destination ^https: http:

You will need to enable mod_headers.

I can confirm that modifying the Destination header like so fixes the problem.

Have a tested working copy for Nginx (updated slightly):

add the following outside of the server context:

map $http_destination $nossl_destination {
"~^https:(.+)$" $1;
"~^http:(.+)$" $1;

then in location /seafdav add

proxy_set_header Destination "http:$nossl_destination";

The nginx map function operates by “mapping” a value to a variable based on a string (or other variable). In Nginx http headers are stored as variables with prefix $http_ and lowercase name of the header. Hence we are looking at the Destination header and storing a value based on what is there in $nossl_destination. The regex expression inside the map captures the “https:” part of the Destination header (we capture the : so we can evaluate for http as well as https). Everything after https is stored in an accessible variable called “$1” which we indicate as the value to be used for $nossl_destination by adding whitespace and stating it. We also have a value for straight http (based on configuration this may not be necessary but it is a good safety). Now in our location /seafdav we simply substitute a new Destination header with the “proxy_set_header Destination” and add http:$nossl_destination and everything should work.

There are various ways to write the regex and you can also use something akin to what @dani posted.


thanks! this is the only solution that worked for me

Confirmed working with @eruditewriter solution, thank you!

Thanks @eruditewriter, it works for me as well!

I had the same problem here and fixed it with Apache Reverse Proxy like this:

  # seafile webdav
  <Location "/seafdav">
    RequestHeader edit Destination ^https: http:

@Jonathan maybe this should be in the upgrade notes:

MOVE command is still failed ,after I add change the conf in nginx. Could you help me find the reason?
I am using seafdav in docker with my raspberry pi2.
seafdav.log shows that it is using http now:

2020-09-04 11:11:10.313 - <1996277120> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2020-09-04 11:11:10] "HEAD /mydata/pass.kdbx" depth=0, elap=0.229sec -> 200 OK
2020-09-04 11:11:12.699 - <1996277120> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2020-09-04 11:11:12] "PUT /mydata/.pass.kdbx.1599217869287" length=5241, elap=1.428sec -> 201 Created
2020-09-04 11:11:14.191 - <1996277120> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2020-09-04 11:11:14] "HEAD /mydata/pass.kdbx" depth=0, elap=0.320sec -> 200 OK
2020-09-04 11:11:15.571 - <1996277120> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2020-09-04 11:11:15] "MOVE /mydata/.pass.kdbx.1599217869287" dest="", depth=0, overwrite=T, elap=0.262sec -> 502 Bad Gateway

Hi, for some unknown reason I couldn’t get the solutions posted by @eruditewriter and @dani to work at all (but huge thanks anyway for pointing in the right direction!).
After much trial and error I noticed that MOVE no longer fails when I completely strip scheme & hostname in the Destination header. More precisely:

map $http_destination $nossl_destination {
        "~^https?.*(/seafdav/.*)$" $1;

and then for the seafdav location:

proxy_set_header   Destination "$nossl_destination";

I’m not sure if this is approach is technically correct / intended behaviour but at least it’s working for me. I’m also sure there’s an easier way to strip out the hostname than using the mapping above, but that’s for more seasoned nginx admins. (At the very least I’ll rename the nossl_destination variable to something more appropriate, e.g. plain_url or so.)
Any feedback is still appreciated of course.

The regexp I gave is not quite right, it also matches (sub)directories named seafdav. I’ve now settled for this:

        # in the "location /seafdav" block:
        set $destination $http_destination;
        if ($destination ~* ^https?://[^/]+(/seafdav/.+)$) {
                set $destination $1;
        proxy_set_header Destination $destination;

I’d very much appreciate some official guidance in the manual. (That is, something more detailed than just a simple reference to the present thread…) I don’t think using TLS in the reverse proxy is only an edge case. It’s important enough to merit proper documentation.

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@andi-blafasl This isn’t working for me. Is there anything else you did? I am using the exact same Apache Directive as you, just with my port changed (I am using a different WebDAV port).

This solution worked for us! Please add it to the documentation!

This has been added long time ago.

You’re right. I just didn’t see it.

Running 8.0.4 and with a correctly setup apache2 reverse proxy, i am still receiving 502 errors on Move operations:

apache conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>
		Redirect "/" ""

<VirtualHost *:443>
		<Location /seafdav>
				RequestHeader edit Destination ^https http:

seafdav log:

2021-04-12 21:38:42.216 - <140695106422528> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2021-04-12 19:38:42] "PROPFIND /Phone/DCIM/" length=277, depth=1, elap=0.033sec -> 207 Multi-Status
2021-04-12 21:38:42.334 - <140695139993344> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2021-04-12 19:38:42] "PROPFIND /Phone/DCIM/Camera/" length=277, depth=1, elap=0.043sec -> 207 Multi-Status
2021-04-12 21:38:43.384 - <140695123207936> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2021-04-12 19:38:43] "PUT /Phone/DCIM/Camera/testimage.jpg.tacitpart" length=4015955, elap=0.947sec -> 201 Created
2021-04-12 21:38:43.523 - <140695114815232> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2021-04-12 19:38:43] "PROPFIND /Phone/DCIM/Camera/testimage.jpg.tacitpart" length=277, depth=0, elap=0.040sec -> 207 Multi-Status
2021-04-12 21:38:43.606 - <140695098029824> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2021-04-12 19:38:43] "MOVE /Phone/DCIM/Camera/testimage.jpg.tacitpart" dest="http:://", depth=0, overwrite=T, elap=0.040sec -> 502 Bad Gateway
2021-04-12 21:38:43.695 - <140695106422528> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2021-04-12 19:38:43] "MOVE /Phone/DCIM/Camera/testimage.jpg.tacitpart" dest="http:://", depth=0, overwrite=T, elap=0.045sec -> 502 Bad Gateway
2021-04-12 21:38:47.492 - <140695139993344> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2021-04-12 19:38:47] "PUT /Phone/DCIM/Camera/testimage.jpg.tacitpart" length=4015955, elap=0.704sec -> 204 No Content
2021-04-12 21:38:47.663 - <140695123207936> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2021-04-12 19:38:47] "PROPFIND /Phone/DCIM/Camera/testimage.jpg.tacitpart" length=277, depth=0, elap=0.034sec -> 207 Multi-Status
2021-04-12 21:38:47.740 - <140695114815232> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2021-04-12 19:38:47] "MOVE /Phone/DCIM/Camera/testimage.jpg.tacitpart" dest="http:://", depth=0, overwrite=T, elap=0.040sec -> 502 Bad Gateway
2021-04-12 21:38:47.821 - <140695098029824> wsgidav.wsgidav_app         INFO    : - - [2021-04-12 19:38:47] "MOVE /Phone/DCIM/Camera/testimage.jpg.tacitpart" dest="http:://", depth=0, overwrite=T, elap=0.040sec -> 502 Bad Gateway

worked for me really fine, thanks a lot :slight_smile: :+1:

I runnig on 8.0.7 an still have same issue only with FolderSync
Keepass should work well

If “use temp file schena” disable foldersync is working.
But is there a other solution? With apache2

I use

<Location /seafdav>
ProxyPass “ht tp://”

Maybe fixed with
Check also HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST as alternative to DESTINATION header by uwohlfeil · Pull Request #202 · mar10/wsgidav · GitHub ?

I update from source but not help.

Same issue in FolderSync App

Have also issue with rename folder.
On windows, linux and android webdav client

I switch from Apache2 to Nginx should work now no issue