Seafile block deduplication


The manual states this:
Files in the seafile system are split to blocks, which means what are stored on your seafile server are not complete files, but blocks. This design faciliates effective data deduplication.

And I wonder if deduplication accurs systemwide, so over all libraries or it’s it’s just within each library? Anyone know the answer?

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Only within each library as far I know.

This is only for one library afaik. Having this system wide would make library migrations and garbage collection a lot more complex.

Definitely only within one and the same repo, aka library.

Thanks for your feedback. I just wanted understand it and I also can emphasize why one cannot put this over all libraries.

But it think it’s good to know and also adjust your library-strategy to this knowledge, so that it can maintain it’s benefits.

For me it means that I will make sure that all Acronis images (from the users windows machines) are in one library and not separated anymore.
