Seafile client url protocol handler seafile://XXX

At the looks of the windows registry and the source files of the Seafile Desktop Client, with it´s installation a url protocol handler for ‘seafile://’ get´s install. Under the hood the protocol handler delegates the call to 'seafile-applet.exe -f %URL%.
I wan´t to use this functionallity to open locally synced file and folders within Seafile libraries, but I can´t find a description of the syntay of an ‘seafile://XXX’ URL. Neither in the forum nor in the manual. Also a quick look on the source code doesn´t reveal this secret.

Does anybody know the syntax?


You want to know what a seafile:// link looks like?


The & before and the / in the path need to be URL-encoded.

Specifically, this is what a seafile:// link looks for one of my files: seafile://openfile?repo_id=0d23fac0-7c89-40c2-9463-f6c3f3db67bb&path=%2F2_Finanzen%2F2_Eingangsrechnungen%2F1_neu%2F20220301-DPost-INV3247837814.pdf

Repo-ID is 0d23fac0-7c89-40c2-9463-f6c3f3db67bb and path is /2_Finanzen/2_Eingangsrechnungen/1_neu

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Thank you

Sure! Please mark thread as solved.