Seafile-Daemon broken - when activate "no verify server certificate in HTTPS"


I have series problems at one of my Seafile Client Station (Debian 10, Seafile Client 6.2.11).

After installing, Startup and config the Client (https Server, login, …), there is no Problem til to the Sync-Window where you can see the different sync-folder. The logs (applet.log and seafile.log from client) looks normal to me - like my other client. Same on the server logs (ccnet.log)

My own Server works over https, so i have to activate “no verify server certificate for HTTPS”, otherwise the client do not sync (other PC). But when i try to sync any folder, at this moment the client daemon crashs and restart in an endless loop every 4 seconds … Restart the Client to noot solve the Problem, however, when i deactivate “verify server cert …” the daemon remains broken. The daemon only works, when i remove the hole seafile folders in home directory and start again. But the Problem remains … In the Server logs (ccnet) you can se only that the clinet connect and disconnect …

On my second Client PC it works, but i had upraded from Debian 9 to 10 and had not to install the Seafile Client because it was installed on the older System Debian 9.

Seafile-Daemon is broken when activate “no verify server certificate for HTTPS”

Client: Seafile Client 6.2.11-1 with Debian10
Server: Version 6.0.8 with Debian 10

  • Upgrade Client PC from Debain 9 to Debian 10
  • Install Seafile Client 6.2.11-1
  • Setup Client - https Sever, User …
  • Activate “no verify server certificate for Https”
  • Seafile-Deamon (client) crashs and restart in an endless loop
  • Restart and Reinstall Client - the Problem Remains
  • Delete all files in client home directory and restart - daemon works until activate “no verify …”

Have anybody an Idea to solve the Problem …?
Thank you in advanced …

Seafile Client Applet log


[2020-04-13 07:27:24]read id from id file
[2020-04-13 07:27:24]starting seaf-daemon: (“-c”, “/home/freediver/.ccnet”, “-d”, “/home/freediver/Seafile/.seafile-data”, “-w”, “/home/freediver/Seafile”)
[2020-04-13 07:27:25][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[2020-04-13 07:27:25][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[2020-04-13 07:27:25]Starting the network status detector
[2020-04-13 07:27:25][AutoUpdateManager] cancel all download tasks
[2020-04-13 07:27:25][AutoUpdateManager] clean file caches db
[2020-04-13 07:27:25][AutoUpdateManager] clean file caches
[2020-04-13 07:27:25]starting applet rpc service
[2020-04-13 07:27:25]socket file exists, delete it anyway
[2020-04-13 07:27:25]applet rpc service started
[2020-04-13 07:28:22]
= SslError =
“Der Name des Hosts ist keiner aus der Liste der für dieses Zertifikat gültigen Hosts”
[2020-04-13 07:28:22]“\nAuthentication: RSA\nEncryption: AESGCM(128)\nKey Exchange: ECDH\nCipher Name: ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256\nProtocol: TLSv1.2\nSupported Bits: \u0080\nUsed Bits: \u0080\n”
[2020-04-13 07:28:22]“\nCertificate:\n Data:\n Version: 3 (0x2)\n Serial Number:\n d5:a4:c1:0f:f2:45:e7:ec\n Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption\n Issuer: C=DE, ST=Bayern, L=Wiesentheid, O=Seafile, OU=Seahub/,\n Validity\n Not Before: Sep 11 16:01:20 2016 GMT\n Not After : Sep 4 16:01:20 2046 GMT\n Subject: C=DE, ST=Bayern, L=Wiesentheid, O=Seafile, OU=Seahub/,\n Subject Public Key Info:\n Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption\n RSA Public-Key: (4096 bit)\n Modulus:\n 00:c5:ff:df:a6:29:d8:1f:9d:90:90:c4:82:0c:b8:\n 34:1c:ad:a3:01:11:b2:02:93:d9:89:53:a3:8d:46:\n 7e:d1:84:33:d1:6c:29:87:53:91:ea:78:09:21:07:\n 42:82:10:24:9a:a5:5b:98:61:8f:7d:80:05:3a:36:\n 9e:3f:3a:33:3c:65:c9:6f:d8:4f:5c:04:6e:cf:11:\n 9c:98:64:4a:cc:b1:9f:09:85:cf:6e:19:4e:cf:6e:\n 04:12:91:fc:8a:92:d1:49:9e:7d:21:35:a9:5d:0a:\n b8:b6:a4:07:0e:90:81:d5:29:8b:50:cf:fd:0c:ff:\n f5:c4:0c:7e:a3:0e:20:1e:1c:c6:b3:3d:98:80:f0:\n e3:1f:79:8b:9f:24:f1:bd:c1:e2:4d:00:8c:d4:6a:\n df:15:b6:d9:45:d2:01:82:f0:47:e8:67:e6:f2:99:\n 68:b2:45:b6:6a:67:6c:d4:71:d8:83:c9:0a:f2:f8:\n aa:82:65:05:46:60:03:fb:88:1e:75:5f:f8:72:a1:\n 47:3e:25:7b:35:b2:c6:b9:70:18:eb:1d:c7:d5:b6:\n 38:8b:a2:f0:fc:c7:6c:12:a0:1b:20:fc:bb:99:a0:\n a6:15:5a:db:4e:21:d9:1e:89:46:f7:6a:1d:be:6d:\n 2c:ef:42:2e:98:87:7f:a6:94:4a:6c:cd:40:2a:bb:\n d9:63:c3:74:0e:16:e7:b2:99:68:1d:e3:c3:de:58:\n 7f:6b:1a:3f:13:7d:0e:ac:be:7e:58:2c:5b:31:3f:\n e0:cc:68:dc:92:e4:15:bf:64:12:72:a8:fa:f3:7e:\n 2f:cf:ef:bd:d6:e7:e5:a9:6f:08:d5:07:f0:16:05:\n 93:51:f2:b0:18:e3:e2:90:f7:78:4c:a5:59:32:ea:\n 0f:2d:7f:bc:a8:b4:c3:59:a4:0b:87:7a:f3:1c:04:\n 18:d8:5b:be:d6:8f:dd:1a:5f:1b:3a:70:8c:04:bd:\n a2:b0:56:95:49:ab:c0:6a:79:c1:b9:d3:12:b3:27:\n 63:e1:69:9b:78:ac:51:6e:f0:98:e1:0a:80:05:09:\n 8f:d6:9d:1d:06:7d:19:2d:5a:6b:69:31:05:b2:2e:\n 70:dd:f9:76:2f:f7:2a:78:af:47:4a:46:ba:3e:05:\n 56:1d:25:e8:7f:6e:67:1e:7b:0b:1d:41:c2:b0:02:\n 6c:0f:bf:3c:00:4a:86:7a:76:9c:3d:92:fd:78:c5:\n dd:60:88:89:75:0f:d6:41:e8:5c:51:8a:50:65:da:\n ad:1e:16:14:9c:1d:ad:49:2c:46:67:bf:9e:32:d1:\n e1:f4:e0:e6:b7:f7:3f:2b:fd:89:f2:33:62:cc:8c:\n c5:d4:42:51:75:83:72:08:c9:e8:96:78:c0:3f:89:\n 70:91:57\n Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)\n X509v3 extensions:\n X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: \n D2:DF:36:E7:B3:27:12:7C:E3:FB:A3:E8:A2:C2:7E:8A:BB:2E:EF:45\n X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: \n keyid:D2:DF:36:E7:B3:27:12:7C:E3:FB:A3:E8:A2:C2:7E:8A:BB:2E:EF:45\n\n X509v3 Basic Constraints: \n CA:TRUE\n X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: \n DNS:localhost,, DNS:barracuda, IP Address:, IP Address:\n Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption\n 5b:b8:2f:47:eb:22:80:be:78:1a:b1:f5:aa:c7:98:a5:68:4b:\n 37:86:54:e7:f0:26:45:95:2e:8e:65:64:16:01:d7:9f:40:cf:\n e5:10:b5:f0:59:43:68:44:26:7a:9a:fa:38:96:ee:3a:67:6f:\n ed:82:0b:f4:3b:ac:7b:7c:07:cc:bd:f7:24:3e:f7:4f:5a:bc:\n 90:8e:68:4f:42:ea:f9:e9:f4:6f:06:78:8d:32:f9:91:dc:9d:\n f8:8b:69:33:9e:85:24:83:f1:32:a3:dd:b1:85:d2:60:c9:f7:\n 69:0f:ee:17:0b:a0:29:85:ce:74:86:59:a7:ca:a1:99:fa:45:\n 6f:6e:28:f4:f3:e6:dc:17:fe:68:35:ce:0b:73:1b:fd:82:0d:\n 6a:1f:80:1f:5f:16:ff:25:be:eb:45:9b:a6:c5:05:26:4d:e6:\n 15:eb:ce:1f:d9:87:2f:47:72:dd:53:d0:0d:9a:24:14:64:31:\n 6f:7d:48:29:e9:f3:ab:16:af:90:7a:b2:3b:7f:76:c7:13:52:\n f9:03:27:91:96:f4:35:01:1a:73:8a:08:2c:54:59:53:f1:4f:\n d4:54:3b:c3:9c:7d:5f:c6:18:ea:ca:03:a7:18:ff:78:17:12:\n fc:09:6c:f0:f8:e6:eb:e1:3c:9c:16:fa:3a:21:56:06:a1:0b:\n 73:80:6e:53:a4:fb:51:3d:fd:7a:ed:7d:61:a5:45:98:ff:e7:\n 48:93:b2:41:46:8e:16:af:60:93:47:b7:3c:de:f8:9c:ae:47:\n 0e:39:65:24:21:d9:3f:a0:f6:eb:9f:74:9d:44:bf:fa:87:23:\n c3:4f:c5:51:49:df:c2:41:fc:86:72:49:87:e4:0f:74:63:34:\n 16:8a:53:b9:55:ff:34:ee:48:a7:ba:6a:96:12:3d:c9:34:4c:\n 9c:97:f0:17:63:53:5c:8c:58:7d:5c:69:86:a3:da:85:85:77:\n 81:96:29:74:dd:c5:0a:40:84:5d:c1:98:4f:a4:72:68:4d:2d:\n 73:d5:ae:4c:32:9f:ed:0d:6c:a9:f4:e3:ce:38:a9:0e:17:76:\n fc:2d:31:9f:24:d3:a7:9e:ab:94:1a:1c:bc:ce:7d:90:54:39:\n d7:66:88:e5:0a:53:b9:92:ef:28:2e:60:11:f8:bf:86:c6:30:\n 0c:b8:a6:4f:92:e2:82:33:3f:d0:29:0c:d4:19:31:4f:1b:7d:\n 6f:97:c0:a9:5e:c6:7b:49:cf:a8:06:5f:43:b1:fd:9d:a6:3b:\n 6d:bf:da:5f:ab:3c:67:a9:57:ba:63:96:aa:98:d9:eb:f4:c2:\n 99:7c:83:b6:60:87:5d:47:c5:ac:8d:2e:6a:dd:43:49:c0:c2:\n 05:fc:c9:be:dd:65:92:79\n\n\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nv9pfqzxnqVe6Y5aqmNnr9MKZfIO2YIddR8WsjS5q3UNJwMIF/Mm+3WWSeQ==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n”
[2020-04-13 07:28:30]ServerStatusService: ignore request for host “”
[2020-04-13 07:28:31]ServerStatusService: ignore request for host “”
[2020-04-13 07:28:31][Rpc Client] connected to daemon
[2020-04-13 07:28:32]libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
[2020-04-13 07:29:41]failed to send rpc call: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)

Client Seafile Daemon Logfile


[04/13/20 07:27:24] seaf-daemon.c(502): starting seafile client 6.2.11
[04/13/20 07:27:24] seafile-session.c(382): client id = 6db593ed6d381f2c222944a1cb4ddac9af17432d, client_name = shark
[04/13/20 07:27:24] socket file exists, delete it anyway
[04/13/20 07:27:24] seaf-daemon.c(529): rpc server started.
[04/13/20 07:27:25] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:27:25] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:27:25] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:27:25] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:28:31] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:28:31] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:02] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [init] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:02] http-tx-mgr.c(808): libcurl failed to GET https SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK.
[04/13/20 07:29:02] clone-mgr.c(732): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [error]: check server.
[04/13/20 07:29:04] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [error] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:04] http-tx-mgr.c(808): libcurl failed to GET https SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK.
[04/13/20 07:29:04] clone-mgr.c(732): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [error]: check server.
[04/13/20 07:29:09] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [error] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:09] http-tx-mgr.c(808): libcurl failed to GET https SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK.
[04/13/20 07:29:09] clone-mgr.c(732): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [error]: check server.
[04/13/20 07:29:14] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [error] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:14] http-tx-mgr.c(808): libcurl failed to GET https SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK.
[04/13/20 07:29:14] clone-mgr.c(732): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [error]: check server.
[04/13/20 07:29:19] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [error] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:19] http-tx-mgr.c(808): libcurl failed to GET https SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK.
[04/13/20 07:29:19] clone-mgr.c(732): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [error]: check server.
[04/13/20 07:29:24] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [error] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:24] http-tx-mgr.c(808): libcurl failed to GET https SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK.
[04/13/20 07:29:24] clone-mgr.c(732): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [error]: check server.
[04/13/20 07:29:29] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [error] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:29] http-tx-mgr.c(808): libcurl failed to GET https SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK.
[04/13/20 07:29:29] clone-mgr.c(732): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [error]: check server.
[04/13/20 07:29:34] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [error] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:34] http-tx-mgr.c(808): libcurl failed to GET https SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK.
[04/13/20 07:29:34] clone-mgr.c(732): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [error]: check server.
[04/13/20 07:29:39] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [error] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:39] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [fetch].
[04/13/20 07:29:39] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘init’) → (‘normal’, ‘check’)
[04/13/20 07:29:40] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘check’) → (‘normal’, ‘commit’)
[04/13/20 07:29:40] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘commit’) → (‘normal’, ‘fs’)
[04/13/20 07:29:43] seaf-daemon.c(502): starting seafile client 6.2.11
[04/13/20 07:29:43] seafile-session.c(382): client id = 6db593ed6d381f2c222944a1cb4ddac9af17432d, client_name = shark
[04/13/20 07:29:43] socket file exists, delete it anyway
[04/13/20 07:29:43] seaf-daemon.c(529): rpc server started.
[04/13/20 07:29:44] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [init] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:44] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [fetch].
[04/13/20 07:29:44] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘init’) → (‘normal’, ‘check’)
[04/13/20 07:29:44] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘check’) → (‘normal’, ‘commit’)
[04/13/20 07:29:44] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘commit’) → (‘normal’, ‘fs’)
[04/13/20 07:29:44] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:44] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:44] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:44] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:44] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:44] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:48] seaf-daemon.c(502): starting seafile client 6.2.11
[04/13/20 07:29:48] seafile-session.c(382): client id = 6db593ed6d381f2c222944a1cb4ddac9af17432d, client_name = shark
[04/13/20 07:29:48] socket file exists, delete it anyway
[04/13/20 07:29:48] seaf-daemon.c(529): rpc server started.
[04/13/20 07:29:48] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [init] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:49] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [fetch].
[04/13/20 07:29:49] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘init’) → (‘normal’, ‘check’)
[04/13/20 07:29:49] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:49] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:49] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:49] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:49] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:49] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:49] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘check’) → (‘normal’, ‘commit’)
[04/13/20 07:29:49] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘commit’) → (‘normal’, ‘fs’)
[04/13/20 07:29:52] seaf-daemon.c(502): starting seafile client 6.2.11
[04/13/20 07:29:52] seafile-session.c(382): client id = 6db593ed6d381f2c222944a1cb4ddac9af17432d, client_name = shark
[04/13/20 07:29:52] socket file exists, delete it anyway
[04/13/20 07:29:52] seaf-daemon.c(529): rpc server started.
[04/13/20 07:29:52] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [init] to [check server].
[04/13/20 07:29:52] clone-mgr.c(715): Transition clone state for a245475e from [check server] to [fetch].
[04/13/20 07:29:52] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘init’) → (‘normal’, ‘check’)
[04/13/20 07:29:53] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘check’) → (‘normal’, ‘commit’)
[04/13/20 07:29:53] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo ‘a245475e’: (‘normal’, ‘commit’) → (‘normal’, ‘fs’)
[04/13/20 07:29:53] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:53] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:53] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:53] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:53] start to serve on pipe client
[04/13/20 07:29:53] start to serve on pipe client