Seafile server 6.2.4 is ready! A few fixes

Ubuntu server 16.04 LTS

Do you use the Ubuntu version or the Generic version pro edition?

I use ubuntu version of 6.2.4 and downloaded the Ubuntu version of 6.2.5

same internal server error for me with 6.2.5 pro ubuntu.
6.2.4 pro ubuntu version works fine.

Yeah it fails out of the box.

yesterday i updated seafile with version 6.2.5 pro generic on debian 9 and i did not have any error. everything seems to work fine, no error in log files …

Also Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS, and using the Seafile Ubuntu Pro version. I’m using Python 2.7.12.

We have found the bug. A new version will be uploaded tomorrow.


Amazing. Great job. Can you give any insight about what the issue was? Also any updates to the OVH object storage openstack thing? Thanks

[quote=“daniel.pan, post:1, topic:5140”]
[new] Add option to notify the admin after new user registration (NOTIFY_ADMIN_AFTER_REGISTRATION)[/quote]

Finally, thank you! :slight_smile: