Seafile v12.0 Development Updates

a Readme feature like in github

Do you mean you want to show a notice at every folders’ level or only library level is enough?

the ability to share a file with a link for anonymous edition in collabora or other office software

This feature is in pro edition already. We have a plan to move it to the community edition in v12.

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Really good news for the anonymous edition links! Thank you a lot!

Do you mean you want to show a notice at every folders’ level or only library level is enough?

Library level is a good start, but on every folders’ level it would be very useful. The nextcloud menu « New > Folder description » is a really good UI IMHO, easily discoverable, and translatable (just a file named README can be difficult for non-english speakers).

So in summary, you want a folder description feature?

Yes, but not a “geeky” one, but a user-friendly one :wink:

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Switch between different view mode with short cuts

Will the Android and iOS apps also get a UI/UX update with v12 or will this only affect the web version for now?

For Android and iOS client, there will be a major update too.

Nice to hear that!
Will the update of the apps come together with the v12 server release at the beginning of 25 or some time later? And is there by any chance already a preview of the new app design?

The Android app v3.0 can already be downloaded from GitHub. Releases · haiwen/seadroid · GitHub