Seafile v12.0 Development Updates

a Readme feature like in github

Do you mean you want to show a notice at every folders’ level or only library level is enough?

the ability to share a file with a link for anonymous edition in collabora or other office software

This feature is in pro edition already. We have a plan to move it to the community edition in v12.

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Really good news for the anonymous edition links! Thank you a lot!

Do you mean you want to show a notice at every folders’ level or only library level is enough?

Library level is a good start, but on every folders’ level it would be very useful. The nextcloud menu « New > Folder description » is a really good UI IMHO, easily discoverable, and translatable (just a file named README can be difficult for non-english speakers).

So in summary, you want a folder description feature?

Yes, but not a “geeky” one, but a user-friendly one :wink:

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