[Solved] Android Client can not transfer files after domain name change

I have moved a perfectly running Seafile server to a different domain: seafile.olddomain.net became seafile.newdomain.net . I was under the impression I caught everything. All connected Seafile clients on Linux, Windows and macOS are running fine with the new domain.

However the Android Seafile client can not upload or download any files on the new domain. Here’s what I am trying:

  1. I do a fresh install of seadroid 3.0.6 on an Android 11 phone, which ran fine with seadroid 2.3.7 and the old domain before.
  2. I log in with my account in the mobile app. I can see all libraries in their most recent state.
  3. When trying to download a file, I get an error: Failed to download file "Unable to resolve host "seafile.olddomain.net": No address associated with hostname"

Note the seafile.olddomain.net in the error message. This is very confusing. Where is the client getting that from? I was under the impression I eradicated that thoroughly.

Any hints or help greatly appreciated.

Ah. I forgot to update the domain settings, as described in this post . Problem solved.