Unexpected error is keeping you from deleting this folder

This seems like a really fundamental thing or am I missing something? would be really grateful for some help on this.

I have experienced this over 4 systems now so its definitely an issue, or is it something I am doing wrong?

Can someone explain this issue and if its supposed to be addressed in a future update.

It makes it very challenging to rely solely on the seadrive client to manage the libraries, is there a work around people use as for example I have just tried with an empty folder within a directory and even when in cloud mode it doesn’t delete and when its available offline it doesn’t delete

so fundamentally I don’t seem to be able to delete this and would have to go into the web portal and manually delete this folder, which is not suitable for users to do.

Please advise

  • How should I manage this, IE how do I delete folders

  • Is this on the roadmap to be fixed?

  • what is causing this error?

  • Am I doing something wrong

I would love an answer to this as I have gone full steam into seafile and really need this solved.