Upgade path from Seafile server 4.0.6 on Raspberry P1 2B

Hi There,

I am using seafile server 4.0.6 on my Raspberry Pi 2 for quite a long time.

I have tried to run the same installation on RPi4 but I am getting permission errors while executing seafile.sh and seahub.sh.

I fear that my RPi2 is quite old, and it’s giving me service around 5 year, with 2 micro sd card during it’s service.

I wanted to check if there is any seamless upgrade path which upgrade my 1TB+ seafile data to latest RPi as well as Seafile 7.1.4?

I am using seafile server for file back and file sharing service for my interanet. All files are kept in 8 TB external HDD with ntfs file system.

Any pointer to start with would be appreciated.

PS: I have tried to do upgrade Seafile to server 5 few years back, but it was not successful, so restored it back to 4.0.6 which is working for me.
