Work with tags, get a file tag through the Api Rest

Hello, how can I get a file tag through the Api Rest?

Impossible. You just can modify Seahub with it

This isn’t a tutorual, please Change topic to Seafile Server

I just changed the topic for him.

Setting tags is done using a PUT to /api/v2.1/repos/library-id/tags/ with path, is_dir (true or false) and the tags as comma separated list named names (e.g. path=%2Fsg-shows-export.json&is_dir=false&names=test%2Ctest2) (tags can be deleted by putting an empty list).

Tags can be received using GET to /api/v2.1/repos/library-id/tags/?path=%2Fsg-movies-export.json&is_dir=false&_=sometimestampinmilliseconds and will be returned as json.