Access token not found

Hello everyone,

I have a Seafile Server CE 9.0.10 installation on a VPS. I’m trying to switch to a Podman-supported installation. (Almost) everything is going well: after migrating the database (SQLite → mySQL) and replacing “seafile-data/storage” I can log in and find all my libraries and their contents. I can also view the files when they are displayed directly in the browser.

But when I want to download a file or folder, I get an error message: “Access token not found”. The error only occurs when I have transferred the data. It works in the “bare” initial installation, so I don’t think the error is in the Docker/Podman stack…

What could it be? Thank you very much for your effort

I use this stack: GitHub - h44z/seafile-docker-ce: A Docker image for Seafile server community edition, simple setup using Docker Compose (with a 9.0.10 image).

Having the same trouble with v11. Did you find a solution?