Add Seafile file details header line above iframe with OnlyOffice interface

At now when users click on any MS Office file, immediately opens OnlyOffice interface on full browser page, so users have no ways to interaction with file in Seafile storage (star, download, share, history, view owner, comment, etc).

Solution for this problem is to add default SeaHub header line to OnlyOffice html page above iframe, like for all other files. What do you think about this idea?

I personally don’t like the idea of using valuable screen space for that. All actions you named are accessable via web interface when in list view.

They are accessible only when you view folder, but when you got direct link to file (full url, smart-link, or shared link) - you see only OnlyOffice interface in full screen!

So you have no ways to see file size, owner, open parent folder where it located, download file, view and add Seafile comments, make all other Seafile operations with file, like with regular Seafile file (eg PDF)!

This is differs with other file types, for example on any image or pdf file pages you always have header line with those actions, but with office files - not!

For not eat OnlyOffice interface space, we can make it collapsible.

Ok, I see your point. If it gets implemented it should definitely be collapsible.

Another problem without this header is with read-only documents. Onlyoffice can generate normal openDocument previews for ods and odt files, but corrupt files when try to download (via Onlyoffice download link) or edit. Native Seafile “Download” button on file view page will solve this problem too.

Maybe you can include this feature in current refactoring of Seahub UI using React?