Admin deleted my libraries

I had created 6 libraries in my account and I didn’t share my account with any other user. I logged in today to see all my libraries had been deleted by ‘admin’ 12 days ago. How is this possible? Is there any way to recover these libraries and the files within?
NOTE: There is no trace of any of the files or libraries in the account. I could luckily find the details from the 'Tools → Activities** section, where on 2024-01-16, all the libraries are listed to be deleted by ‘admin’.

Please help, as the uploaded files are of great value to me. Any suggestions is most welcome. Thanks!

Log into seafile web interface, click your avatar in the top-right corner, and click System Admin. Then click Libraries, and click on the “trash” tab at the top. Do you see your libraries there? If so you should be able to restore them.

If not, I would start looking at the files on the server. Look in data/storage/blocks. Normally there is a directory here for every library, which the name being the library’s UUID. Run du on these to see if their total size suggests that your data might still be there.

If the directories are there, and seem to hold data, then I hope you can get your files with the “” which can mount a library as a fuse filesystem so you can copy the files out of it.

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