Avatars won't load on default docker installation


just installed Seafile 8.0.5 with the given docker-compose file found here: https://download.seafile.com/d/320e8adf90fa43ad8fee/files/?p=/docker/docker-compose.yml

But the webinterface doesn’t load the avatar as seen here:

When I try to follow the URL mydomain.com/media/avatars/1/7/710a4bcff9eab8e1f93567a8e137cf/resized/72/77bafd21e249c6fd17c4ff809c37b4b8.png I get a 403 error.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!


In the meantime I was able to solve this issue. The problem was changing the default path from “/opt/seafile-data” to my external storage.
In the end I was able to install Seafile to “/opt/seafile-data” but have a Bind mount on “/opt/seafile-data/seafile/seafile-data/”.