Broken filenames in zip files

I have problems when I download several files in the web interface and these files contain umlauts such as ä, ö, ü.

The filenames are “broken”, such as testäüä.md -> testäüä.md

I have already set the settings recommended from the manual in the seafile.conf

# The file name encoding of the downloaded zip file.
windows_encoding = iso-8859-1

I also tried utf8 and utf-8

Does anyone else have the same problem and/or knows a solution?

does no one have any ideas?

Same here. Probably an issue with the systems encoding.

I cannot reproduce it.

what operating system are you using?

@Jonathan do you have an idea how we can proceed here?
There are now already two people who can reproduce the problem.

I also tried again with another cloud software to download files as zip and there I had no encoding problems