Bug: Duplicate files and folders randomly


I have multiple clients using SeaDrive as their main file server currently, and recently one business approached me saying they were having folders randomly duplicating, and one having a 2 at the end. I have tried removing the 2 folder and then adding the contents back to the original, but then the folder disappears all together from the main server, but is still showing on SeaDrive. These are MacOS clients with up to date software. The only way to fix it is to remove the origin folder from the client device, and then copy it back and it shows up on the server. Is this a known bug? How can we fix it? Thanks!

Is there anything special in the folder’s name? What do you mean by duplicating? There couldn’t be two folders with the same name under the same parent. Could you provide screenshots?

Hi Jonathan,

I will provide a screenshot when it happens again, I haven’t had another call from the client. The folders are in the format: “Qxxxx - Name Here”, and according to the client, when working on the folder, it duplicates itself and the second folder has a 2 added to the name at the end. I have also seen that in this duplicate folder, a subfolder has had the same thing happen to it. I will provide screenshots if and when it happens again.

This may be caused by a bug when deleting the account. The internal database entries are not deleted in the current version. This can cause duplicated files. It’ll be fixed in 3.0.11.

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This still happens in 3.0.11.
For me, that usually happens with folders created by seadrive app in one computer (macos) and accessed also by seadrive app in other one. Also when creating libraries by making folders inside “My Libraries”.

Have you tried to first resync the account, after upgrading to 3.0.11?

Yes, in fact that was one of the first tries. I resync and duplicated folders disappear, but still makes duplicated ones sometimes.

As example, just now:

  • I made library ws_works in web interface.
  • From a linux computer (seadrive latest linux client), made a folder called “cds”, where I started to download big files with a python script.
  • “cds” folder appear in both web and my macos laptop seadrive client (3.0.11)
  • I removed files (not the folder) inside cds, and download new ones in the linux computer.
  • After a day or so, and some changes of network in my laptop (moves to different locations), a folder “cds 2” appear, with old contents from “cds”
  • Removed “cds 2” folder in laptop, then, web interface emptied (0kb) the only one “cds” folder there. Actual files in “cds” where still present in macos client but removed in linux client.
  • Revert changes from web history to previous instant before removal, files were recovered in web, mach the ones in macos client, but linux client still has all lost.

So, it seems that from one point in time, the same “cds” folder diverged in linux and macos but no in website (both clients modify the same folder and files in web but show different ones in respective computers), but now, I found no way to have them all in sync

Yes, this is still a big problem. Clients have just learned to deal with it but they shouldn’t have to IMO.

This just happened to me.
Seafile Server 11.0 on Linux server with Docker and HTTPS.
Drive client 3.0.11 on MacOS 15.0.1.

  1. Installed and started server, logged in to web interface, changed password, logged in again. Logged in to drive client as well.
  2. Created hello.md in web interface, it was first file ever. Edited file through web interface, added single line content.
  3. In few seconds 2 files appeared in Drive Client: hello.md and hello 2.md, with same content. File size 18 bytes.
  4. I deleted hello 2.md in Drive Client. Notification popped up, stating that “hello.md was removed”. That was WTF moment. 0_0
  5. Checked Web interface: yep, file hello.md was deleted, and there were no other files. Empty folder.
  6. In Drive Client, however, file hello.md was present, but hello 2.md was removed.

So it was like this:

Step Web interface Drive client
1 — —
2 hello.md —
3 hello.md hello.md, hello 2.md
4 — hello.md

Now questioning if I should try it further. Not very good first impression

@avelo @JamieGrimwood @metalim Could you send your seadrive log files to support at seafile.com? We will analyze the problem. Personally I just can’t reproduce it with the simple procedure mentioned by @metalim

We’ve found the potential cause of this issue. We’ll improve the code in 3.0.12 version to prevent such issues from happening in the future.