Bug ? Seafile incompatible with meteorjs

Find some bug.
I use seafile for sync files on my work desktop and server with node js (meteorjs).
Desktop OS Windows 10 and Seafile client 6.0.4
Server OS Ubuntu 16.04 and seaf-cli client

Everything work at start, but then i start my meteorjs application, updates maked on my desktop stop to sync to server with meteorjs (but they normally sync to seafile cloud).
If i change something in files on server with meteorjs, this will be synced to seafile cloud and all previous changes come to server.

Some info about meteorjs , it’s node js framework and then it start , it watch for application file changes and restart node application. I think here some conflict between this meteor watcher and seaf-cli watcher. Meteorjs use inotify for monitoring file changes.

Can comebody help me ?

Some additional info, then meteor app is running, and sync not coming to my seaf-cli, i have this messages in log,
it add ~every 10 seconds:

[04/02/17 08:12:38] repo-mgr.c(3592): All events are processed for repo ac358980-4479-4861-915b-274645d1b040.
[04/02/17 08:12:38] sync-mgr.c(660): Repo ‘HelpDesk’ sync state transition from ‘committing’ to ‘synchronized’.
[04/02/17 08:12:48] sync-mgr.c(660): Repo ‘HelpDesk’ sync state transition from ‘synchronized’ to ‘committing’.
[04/02/17 08:12:48] repo-mgr.c(3592): All events are processed for repo ac358980-4479-4861-915b-274645d1b040.
[04/02/17 08:12:48] sync-mgr.c(660): Repo ‘HelpDesk’ sync state transition from ‘committing’ to ‘synchronized’.
[04/02/17 08:12:58] sync-mgr.c(660): Repo ‘HelpDesk’ sync state transition from ‘synchronized’ to ‘committing’.

Not sure how is meteorjs watcher implemented. But one possible way to fix the problem you described is to set the library to be checked periodically: in the seafile client main window, right click on your library => choose “set sync interval”.

Thanks for your help, but maybe you can say how can i do this in seaf-cli, i use command line client on server with meteor js.

Right now i temporary fix my issue with script, that create and delete file on my meteorjs server every 10 seconds.

At the moment seaf-cli has no interface for changing the sync interval. My workaround: https://forum.seafile.com/t/cli-client-with-nas-folder/1374/9?u=germeier

Thanks germeier, this is that i want to know.