Can't upload to Folder

I’m trying to upload a file into a folder called “Agenturpräsentation”. Regardless of the file type and size, it concludes with an error “Parent dir doesn’t match.”

I’m trying via Web.
Via MacOS Finder there is an error when trying to access that folder: “An Error occured. Objects may be obsolete” (Roughly translated)

Any ideas? Most current server and SeaDrive Version

EDIT: I can’t rename that folder either. There used to be a keynote inside which is missing as well.


Hello @madein, according to me you can not upload to folder so for solution you can try this step=

  • Ensure you have the correct permissions for the folder.
  • Clear SeaDrives cache.
  • You can check the folder for sync issues via the web interface.
  • You can Create a new folder and try uploading files there.
  • Look at the version history to recover the missing keynote file.
  • Also you can check server logs for errors.
  • You can reinstall the SeaDrive client if needed.

If your problem is not solve please provide more details or error logs.