Clean install on Ubuntu 20.04 via installation script -errors

When I run github installation script v9 (as root) on clean Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS the installation complains about the following:

ERROR: psd-tools 1.9.33 has requirement Pillow>=10.0.0, but you'll have pillow 9.4.0 which is incompatible.
ERROR: django-simple-captcha 0.6.0 has requirement Django>=4.2, but you'll have django 3.2.25 which is incompatible.

The script finished and the admin user was created. However, the login info output did not show and I can’t log in. The installation log is nowhere to be found.
I thought those scripts suppose to be pain free…
BTW, I had manually installed required components after installation: Pillow==10 and django==4.2, but I’m still stuck with unknown admin login. If I run I’m greeted with another error:

AttributeError: module 'PIL.Image' has no attribute 'ANTIALIAS'

I don’t really want to rebuild the server for tenth time, so if anyone has a clue how to obtain an admin password that would be great.

The script could work when the time it was written. But as operating system upgrade their default packages, old script can no longer work.

The best way is to use docker based installation as all dependencies are packaged in the docker image.

That’s fine, but in order to migrate from older standalone version I need to migrate to the latest binary. That’s the statement from manuals:

Upgrade the version of the binary package to latest version, and ensure that the system is running normally.

If I can’t get standalone version with latest binary up and running then how can I upgrade to docker based? This a requirement before migrating to docker based.

Another way to migrate from old binary version to new docker-based version is to following the backup and restore process:

Our suggestion steps steps are below:

  1. Make sure a new Seafile instance (docker based) can run correctly in a new machine
  2. Stop the new Seafile instance and clean its database (MySQL/MariaDB data)
  3. Backup and restore database and seafile data from old server to the new server
  4. Now the database tables in the new instance are for the old version. You need to run the upgrade scripts to update the database tables to be compatible with the newest version. (Or you can run the SQL statements manually, the files are under seafile-server-latest/upgrade/sql)
  5. Restart the new Seafile instance, and check the logs to see if there are any database related errors. If so, fix them manually.