Cloudlfare Tunnel

Hi all I’m new to Seafile would like to get some advice/help.

I’m running the service over my Cloudflare tunnel and can connect via the web with no issues ( i can updload and download fine ) only when I’m trying to connect via the client app Im unable to to connect with my own custom works fine on the lan ip’s and lan port numbers.

My setting on Cloudflare

my setting on seafile

service urls




I’m running it on docker Ubuntu and i have opened the port 8075 on my server firewall.

I forgot to mention I added the the port in my docker compose

- “8075:80”

i did remove the port number in my cloudflare setup , now i can view the files in the in the web browser , but still i cannot log in at all form any of the client apps ,

i just get logn failed …

the odd thing is I’m not seeing anything in logs , no login attempt at all


Ok i manged to get this to work ,

I’m also using prioxy manager and this i needed to add

There are some mistakes…
You should not open port 8075 on your router. That is why you use a tunnel.

Your service URLs should be

i did remove the port number in my cloudflare setup

This is incorrect. The tunnel is also your reverse proxy.

I’m also using prioxy manager and this i needed to add

This is totally unnecessary when using Cloudflare tunnels.

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Wow its not so often I get a response on my posts this is a Great community !!

So my setup is working :slight_smile:

I prefer to use proxy manager and point all the services to my container, so all the traffic is contained or pointed to the actual container IP.

So in portainer I see the ip adress is for my app then ill point proxy manager to IP

Did you check for DNS / IPV4 * IPV6 issues? Does name resolution work at all externally? Does it try to connect to IPV6 or IPV4? Is there any service on IPV6 running? E.g. Fritzbox?