is there maybe an compatibility problem with the Seafile Client version 7 and the Server Version 6?
Since i updated some clients to Version 7, still had Server 6.3.x running, i had many problems.
I had tons of Download/Upload Errors who tells me something about an error becaus auf the SHA Hash. Often i had to resync the library, if i do so, i get massive amounts of SFConflict files. Even PDF, JPG, EML files who hadn’t changed at all.
The best thing, we had corrupted libraries. They didn’t open in Seafile anymore. I had to fix them with fschk.
All this only happens to libraries where at least one client is version 7. Everything else was fine. Yesterday i updated the Server to Version 7.0.7 as the problems got out of hand. So far, it works again.
Is there anything known to this?
Errors i got in the Client:
[08/22/19 10:51:37] sync-mgr.c(621): Repo 'XYZ' sync state transition from committing to 'error': 'Failed to index files.'.
[08/22/19 10:51:37] SQL error: 5 - database is locked
Another one (you can replace download with upload, it happens in both directions):
[08/20/19 14:18:03] bad index file sha1 signature
[08/20/19 14:18:03] index file corrupt
[08/20/19 14:18:03] repo-mgr.c(5286): Failed to load index.
[08/20/19 14:18:03] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo 'd75fdb57': ('normal', 'data') --> ('error', 'finished')
[08/20/19 14:18:03] sync-mgr.c(621): Repo 'A 9 XYZ' sync state transition from downloading to 'error': 'Error occurred in download.