Compatibility problem with client Version 7 and server 6

is there maybe an compatibility problem with the Seafile Client version 7 and the Server Version 6?

Since i updated some clients to Version 7, still had Server 6.3.x running, i had many problems.

I had tons of Download/Upload Errors who tells me something about an error becaus auf the SHA Hash. Often i had to resync the library, if i do so, i get massive amounts of SFConflict files. Even PDF, JPG, EML files who hadn’t changed at all.

The best thing, we had corrupted libraries. They didn’t open in Seafile anymore. I had to fix them with fschk.

All this only happens to libraries where at least one client is version 7. Everything else was fine. Yesterday i updated the Server to Version 7.0.7 as the problems got out of hand. So far, it works again.

Is there anything known to this?

Errors i got in the Client:

[08/22/19 10:51:37] sync-mgr.c(621): Repo 'XYZ' sync state transition from committing to 'error': 'Failed to index files.'.
[08/22/19 10:51:37] SQL error: 5 - database is locked

Another one (you can replace download with upload, it happens in both directions):

[08/20/19 14:18:03] bad index file sha1 signature
[08/20/19 14:18:03] index file corrupt
[08/20/19 14:18:03] repo-mgr.c(5286): Failed to load index.
[08/20/19 14:18:03] http-tx-mgr.c(1181): Transfer repo 'd75fdb57': ('normal', 'data') --> ('error', 'finished')
[08/20/19 14:18:03] sync-mgr.c(621): Repo 'A 9 XYZ' sync state transition from downloading to 'error': 'Error occurred in download.

This error usually indicates you accidentally have two clients running on the same computer. One client opened the sqlite database so the other report this error.

Having two clients running on the same computer can also cause corruption of the library.

This is usually caused by hard shutdown of the computer when syncing is in process.

The 7.0 client has no changes that could cause the problems you describe, as far as I remember.

This error usually indicates you accidentally have two clients running on the same computer. One client opened the sqlite database so the other report this error.

Having two clients running on the same computer can also cause corruption of the library.

This should be an importand note on the Germany Manual on how to install Seafile as a service. (Seafile Sync Client als Windows Dienst)

If you Install it as an Service and start the GUI, the seafile client is running twice on the Machine. I installed the Version 7 Client and added it as a service at the same time on one of our FileServer.

The second error i will keep an eye on it.

A such warning has been added to the German blog post. Thanks for the hint.