Current Seafile Pro version?

My monthly ticket popped up to check for Seafile updates. What’s the current stable version? The download folder has v9.05 for CentOS (me) and Ubuntu but this version is mentioned in the changelog:

9.04 is documented but there is only a version in download for Ubuntu. I’m currently running 9.0.3.

Seafile v9 doesn’t support on CentOS, only Ubuntu and Debian, if I am correctly.

The changelog for the pro server is here:

Thanks, I’d ended up at the wrong page. And yes, Centos is currently supposed in v9 as there are downloads for it?

At the moment it is not listed as a supported OS, see: Seafile Release Table

Strange as I’ve just downloaded seafile-pro-server_9.0.5_x86-64_CentOS.tar.gz

As somebody who isn’t that well versed in Linux (have had to learn more than I wish), I’m perplexed about support for the various Linux distributions and why only Debian?

It feels like it’s a total lottery which distribution you go for! Is there distro specific coding in Seafile?