Debian 12.1 Bookworm installation

I’ve been struggling to install Seafile server 10.0.1 on a clean Debian 12.1 (minimal - no desktop). it seems that some of the dependencies have changed, and pip3 too. Have any of you done this successfully? And if so, have you any tips/techniques to share? Thanks.

you can try Docker version.

Thanks, but I’ve never tried Docker. Google gives me lots of resources but (as usual) there are conflicting instructions. Can you recommend a site where I can read up? I have found Huawen’s documentation sadly lacking.

Nevermind… I’ll work from the Github page

This is the official document:

Thank you, I will check that out.
However, I’m not quite ready to give up on Debian 12. A few question: Is Debian 12 supported? And if so, is there an installation script for it, or at least instructions? Thanks!

You can find the supported platforms below:

Docker is the primary way to run Seafile. For native operating system, we only officially support and test on Ubuntu.

Can ypu please give me an estimate on how much data I will need to buy before I start a Docker and Seafile install? Is 1 GB enough? I’m a pensioner on a budget. Thanks.

2cores and 4GB memory is recommended for a Seafile instance.

I meant how much data will I need to download it?
Also, what dependencies do I need? Mariadb and Nginx?

Docker itself doesn’t use much data, it mostly depends on which images you pull.
You can check the size of the Seafile image here: Docker
If there’s an update, you need to pull the updated image. But most likely, the base layers will stay the same so you’ll only need to get the updated layers (which take up a lot less space).
Then you also need mariadb, which you can check out here: Docker

So all in all, you’ll be at around 800-900MB.

Thank you!