Disable caching for Seafile Drive Client

I’d like to have an option to completely disable caching of the Seafile Drive Client because it will increase ssd aging and eats up disk space. For example if I use it for getting through my pictures, I maybe watch pictures from one directory today and from another directory tomorror. It’s unlikely that I will open the same pictures everyday, so the caching is not really useful for this usecase.


Thanks for suggestion. We’ll keep this in mind. If more users require this, we’ll add it.


Maybe you can add something like RAM-Cache, so the content won’t be written to the disk for days, but only to the RAM, e.g. 100MB - whatever is used at this moment.
I don’t know how you will implement encrypted libraries, but this could also apply to them: I don’t want to have unencrypted content written to the disk.

Hello, folks.
I would agree an that, a possibility to disable Caching would be very nice to have.
A can only agree to those arguments mentioned before by @Garfield.

I also do have a laptop with just 128Gb SSD inside, well, it’s fine, but what I would like is simply to backup my data in Seafile - and that’s it, I do not need a Cached folder with twice the data on my hard drive :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your effort!

PS.: This two scenarios could be realized by adding the functionality :slight_smile:

That circumstance is currently preventing me from using the drive.
Would be awesome if you could add it! :heart_eyes:

+1 Would be nice to have!


Would be a nice feature!

I’d be also nice to select the drive cache folder, so I can select another disk and not my system drive.

Just to let all of you know.
It’s now actually planned to be released. See below reply from Daniel.

seadrive-data-folder-location SeaDrive Data Folder Location:

I second that. Would be great to be able to completely disable local caching

I would really like this feature. Just being able to use cache-RAM would be very nice

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If you are running on linux you already have that option via mounting tmpfs on the cache folder with fixed capacity or by creating and configuring a folder in /dev/shm/


Is this already possible? Or will it be possible in the upcoming versions?

No. It turns out to be hard to do so, especially with the new Windows cloud files API.

Am I missing something?
On the download page, of the Drive client, the description says:

The Drive client enables you to access files on the server without syncing to local disk.
It works like a network drive.

Once again: without syncing to local disk

Why during installation it does ask for the path of the cache folder, and eventually consume local disk space equivalent to the whole size of the cloud storage?

If I would want to folders sync I would go for Client for Windows
But I went specifically for a network drive, it should not download locally anything unless I clearly copy/paste the file into the local disk.

Then how does it differ from the standard Client?

If you want to view a file locally, it needs to be downloaded (and therefore stored somewhere). There is no way around that. Even when you stream a movie from Netflix, in the end you will have downloaded and stored the whole file, even if it was only for a brief moment. You cannot open a photo without downloading it. That’s why there is a cache. And in case you want to open it again in the near future, a cache does make a lot of sense.

In the Drive client settings you can set a limit for the cache size, and adjust the interval at which it is emptied.

Thats the point that I didn’t open anything.

I did setup SeaFile server
Set up Drive client and Android client
Configured Android to sync required folders and that’s it. I didn’t touch Drive Client on PC, but at the end when all files from Android were synced, my cache folder at PC was of the same size as all data from Android.

I didn’t iterate trough all files, to download them locally on PC.

I will have a look cache settings, to see what can be configured.