Disable Seadrive notifications on Linux

Hi SeaDrive Team,

I’m already using SeaFile and SeaDrive a lot under Windows.
Now migrating my computers to Ubuntu Linux and love to be able to keep using SeaFile and SeaDrive seamlessly.

While SeaDrive is running, I get a LOT of notifications from it:
start downloading file, file downloaded, etc.

I could not find a way in the SeaDrive settings to disable those notification, and only be notified in case of errors.

Any chance this could be implemented?



These notifications only happens when you download a large file, which will take time to be downloaded. On Windows or macOS there is no such notification, but the OS will display progress for the download in Explorer or Finder. Currently there is no way to disable such notifications. If you see a lot of them, maybe your OS started to download may files automatically?

If you see a lot of them, maybe your OS started to download may files automatically?

Yes, that’s probably what is happening. I don’t think I can do anything OS wide against that: I opened the library in which my iPhone uploads all it’s pictures.

These notifications only happens when you download a large file

Is 3MB considered large? Because I’m getting plenty of these notifications for files that are below 3 MB.

The notification is pop up based on time, not size. If a file download has been in progress for more than 5 seconds (excluding queueing time), we’ll show notification. Is the network slow between your client and the server?