My setup consists of a main-server (running Ubuntu, with NGINX) where port 443 for all services (seafile, wiki …) is forwarded to, and a new 2nd (internal) server (Raspberry) which runs Docker-Seafile on port 8090.
https → Router -->port 443–> main Server -->port 8090–> 2nd Server (Docker-Seafile)
To access seafile via hxxps:// I have setup a reverse proxy on the main-server which forwards the traffic to the 2nd-server (I did not touch the nginx-config inside docker).
It works fine accessing hxxps:// for login, seeing the libraries and downloading, but fails when I try to upload files with a ‘network error’. (Uploading directly from the 2nd server works).
The Docker-Seafile Nginx-configuration includes also locations like seafhttp, seafdav, and media - and after reading tens of posts and attempts I was unable to include these in my reverse-proxy on the main-server.
It should be as simple as
location /seafhttp {
proxy_pass http://local_Ip:8090/seafhttp;
but it does not work …
Don’t. I’m guessing you have a nginx server on the 2nd server too, just let it handle that. On your primary server just redirect everything to the 2nd server.
This matches more or less what I have - it runs fine for seeing the libraries and downloading, but fails when I try to upload files with a ‘network error’.
The main server runs Nginx (where I put the above config), and the 2nd (Docker-Seafile) server runs Nginx as well, and there is Nginx within the Docker-Seafile folders (/opt/seafile-data/nginx).
There seems no Nginx required for the 2nd server, as the Docker-Seafile installation is handling everything.
If I just access via the local-url, everything is running fine. But if I access via hxxps://seafile/ uploads are not working.
TIME_ZONE = ‘Asia/Shanghai’ (‘Asia/Singapore’ was not working!)
If I use the local-IP local uploads are working, but with external-url neither internal nor external uploads are working