Donate button for Seafile CE?

Dear Seafile devs

for alot of us Seafile CE became an (or maybe the) essential part of our home or small office network infrastructure.

Please give us a donate button to let us CE users support your great work! :beers:


PS: don’t forget to provide your Bitcoin address - I would not like to pay the “PayPal banksters” when I want to support you.


Though I am personally using the Seafile Pro Free License (for no more than 3 users), I would also like to express my gratitude for the convenience that it offers to me.

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I use SeaFile in some servers… I can donate too…

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Brilliant idea! Having options to pay via Bitcoin and Paypal will be great too…

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I just succeeded to install Seafile on a home server and I’m going to use it so much… I’ll finally be able to get rid of all proprietaries cloud services I’ve been using since now.

I want to support Seafile financially but as a student I can’t offer the pro edition so I can’t agree more with the idea of a donate button !

Thanks for the great work !


I use seafile pro with free license, and I would be happy to be able to make regular donations to the developer. What a pleasure to stop using private clouds
Thank you for very good work