Failed to update from 6.2.5 to version 7.1.3: "ImportError: No module named configparser"


I’m trying to update my Seafile server on Ubuntu 16 from version “6.2.5” to version “7.1.3”. For this I downloaded the new server files, extracted, stopped the services. Then, following the community manual (not allowed to post link here), I tried to run “seafile-server-7.1.2/upgrade/”. However I get this error:

Updating seafile/seahub database …

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/seafile/seafileroot/seafile-server-7.1.3/upgrade/”, line 5, in
import configparser
ImportError: No module named configparser

Failed to upgrade your database

After some googling, this seems to be related to the version of python. The install script “” probably selects Python 2.7, but the script “” is written for Python 3.

Am I doing something wrong here or is this an oversight in the new installation?

All help is appreciated. Thank you

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Same here

Got it working my updating following lines to the update script upgrade/

function check_python_executable() {
if [[ "$PYTHON" != "" && -x $PYTHON ]]; then
    return 0

if which python3 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
elif which python2.7 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
elif which python27 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
    echo "Can't find a python executable of version 2.7 or above in PATH"
    echo "Install python 2.7+ before continue."
    echo "Or if you installed it in a non-standard PATH, set the PYTHON enviroment varirable to it"
    exit 1

which lets the script use python3 as default.
additionally, I had to remove the fileserver section in file /home/seaf/conf/seafile.conf.

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Check your config nginx or apache, from 6.00 to 7.1x we no longer use fast cgi … only WSGI

did you install pip3-python …