Help Needed: Issues with Seafile Sync on Windows 10

Hey all,

Seafile’s been a lifesaver for keeping my files in sync, but lately I’ve hit a snag with my Windows 10 setup. Here’s the lowdown:

  • The Seafile client fires up just fine and connects to the server without a hitch.
  • Syncing kicks off, but then throws in the towel after a few minutes with a cryptic error: “Failed to sync library Documents due to ‘Server internal error (500)’.”
  • My internet seems rock solid – other programs are chugging along without any hiccups.
  • I’ve tried restarting the Seafile client, rebooting my computer, and even reinstalling the whole thing, but no dice.

Anyone else come across this before, or have any ideas on how to squash this bug? Any help would be a major win!

Thanks a bunch,