Hoping Aliyun OSS can be supportted in Multiple Storage Backends

Aliyun OSS is a kind of Object storage which is a bit like Amazon S3, and powered by China’s top cloud computing service provider—— Alibabacloud.It provides services around the world.
In fact, Aliyun can be chosen as a storage backend for seafile already and work well.( you can find somthing useful in Chinese manual https://manual-cn.seafile.com/deploy_pro/setup_with_oss.html
However, when mentioned Multiple Storage Backends, Aliyun OSS was forgotten (Note: Currently file system, S3 and Swift backends are supported. Ceph/RADOS is not supported yet.).
In Aliyun OSS, Data Transfer IN is free, Data Transfer out is only $0.073/G while Amazon S3 is $0.09/G. You can even spend $15.8 getting a 50G/monrh free Data Transfer out for one year.
Now, Aliyun is launching a promotion in which you can get 1TB Standard Storage for 3 years with $15
I don’t think we should miss it
