How to check how many user files have downloaded from a directory?


Is there anyone of you know that how can I check how many user files have downloaded from a directory?

Normally it is possible in WeTransfer or some other software. Thanks in advance.


It is only available in the professional edition when the audit log is enabled.

thanks Shoeper! i am not interested to jump to Pro edition now. may b i will think about it in future.

is there any add-on or plug-in that can give me this feature? Like google analytics or something else.
I don’t want to use Pro version now and also so less user is using this server. this is a feature that gives us an overview of download files. would appreciate if someone use something similar that can do this job.


You can connect Google Analytics or Piwik, of course.
Just add the tracking code to the seahub header.

But Google, really? Then you can rather use Google drive directly.

Hi DerDanilo,

Sorry for late reply. Actually, my boos asked me about this feature. He wanted to have this feature. Although our organization is small and few members using seafile to share files. we just want to see a number, and google analytics would not be a problem to test. Do you know how to configure it ?

many thanks!

I recommend that you look into how to work with analytics generally before you implement it.
Basically you need to put the analytic code in the header of seahub. But this might not track client sync access.
Using analytics on such platform with employees can be risky depending on the countrys laws.

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Thank you DerDanilo!
I checked that feature and would like to wait before I make a decision. Just wanted to know how can I collect this Information from Seafile server.